Automation Testing Tool
In Automation testing, which tool is better to choose?
Worksoft Certify
A single, Certify process step can execute more than one action against an object.
WorkSoft Certify
what is the difference between Worksoft and QTP, and why is one better then other? What are the advantage of Worksoft certify.
Selenium Lists and Array Lists
What are the difference between lists and array lists?
Selenium Web Driver Locators
How many locators are there in Selenium web driver?
Selenium close() & quit() methods
What are the difference between close() & quit() methods in selenium web driver?
Selenium Selection
Why and When Selenium is selected for testing?
Stable Browser for Selenium
Which browser version is stable for Selenium?
Agile Methodology Automation Tester Activity
What is the day to day activity of automation tester who is following agile methodology?
Retesting a Defect
Why it is important to thoroughly retest a defect after it has been reported fixed?How will you do that?
Qulaity center
Can we delete unattached folder in Test plan(quality center)
Open Source Functional Testing Tool
Hi, I am looking for an open source functional testing tool for Java and .Net applications. Can some one throw some light on this topic?Thanks,Abhi
Not Reproducable Bug
What do you do if the bug that you found is not accepted by the developers and hence saying it is not reproducable?
Test Multiple User's Login
How to test multiple user's login at one time by using automation tool?
Testing Tools Interview Questions and Faqs
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