What is RETESTING?whats the difference between retesting & regression testing?

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Retesting Testing : re-execution of testcases on same application build with diferent inputs or testdata.

Regression Testing : re-execution of selected testcases on modified build to ensure bug fix work completeness and correctness.


  • May 23rd, 2006

RETESTING :testing the aplication once again

REGRESSION testing:testing after the fixing of defect as bug and solving it ,we test this bug whether it effects any thing in future.


  • May 25th, 2006

Retesting: testing the application once again with different inputs

Regression: testing the bug encountered build once again after developing with same inputs

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  • Jun 5th, 2006

Retesting is testing the functionality after the bug is fixed

regression testing : testing to make sure that there are no new bugs raised due to fixing one. regression testing follows retesting 


  • Jun 6th, 2006

Retesting is testing whether the bug which is found has been fixed or not.

Regression testing is after fixing the bug whether it has afected any othe functionality or not we r going to test.

Regression testing is of 3 types They are

1) Unit regression testing (2) Partial Regression testing and (3) Complete regression testing.


  • Jun 21st, 2006

Re-Testing: executing the test scripts which was rasised as defects in earlier builds

Regression testing:executing all the test scripts along with the test scripts which was raised as defects in earlier builds.

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  • Jul 6th, 2006


Retesting: Is a type of testing that is performed to check for the functionality of an application by using different inputs after the fix is done for the bugs that were recorded during the earlier testing.

Regression Testing: Is a type of testing that is performed on an application to ensure that the new fixes made do not have any sought of impact on the existing functionality. The system is expected to perform normally as per the requirement



  • Jul 25th, 2006

Retesting: Here, your scope is narrow. You have to test the function which caused an error and threw an error.  This kind of testing is done to make sure that the previous bug is resolved.

Regression Testing: is the kind of testing which is done once a bug is fixed. During regression testing a tester has to make sure that previous bug is fully fixed and it has not caused any malfunctioning. All related functions are also tested  during regression testing.

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  • Mar 24th, 2007

Retesting:Testing the same application again once we prepare testcases or execute all test cases.

Regression Testing:When ever we fix a bug that bug is affected to any other modules or remaining functionalites in the new version of the build.

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  • May 10th, 2007


Regression : Is to check whether changed components has introduced any defect on unchanged component.

Retesting : Retesting is the Second level testing with the new or different input data on the new release of application ( i.e. old + bug fixed)


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Regression Testing: Regression testing is applied on modied field, and when functionality is added to existing functionality.

For Example: When we found any defects found 

We write these defects to defect log and assign to developer for fixing, then
the developer check defect, if it's defect then the developer fixes and make modification & resent to tester.

Here again the Tester will check for defect again open or closed. This process is called as Regression Testing.

Note: Regression Testing is done on "The defect which is solved is affecting the other functionality in the same application or not.

Thank you.
K. Hareesh Kumar
Software Test Engineer

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  • Jul 8th, 2008

Retesting :- Testing only the fixed

Regression Testing:-Regression testing is any type of software testing which seeks to uncover regression bugs. Regression bugs occur whenever software functionality that previously worked as desired, stops working or no longer works in the same way that was previously planned. Typically regression bugs occur as an unintended consequence of program changes.

Common methods of regression testing include re-running previously run tests and checking whether previously fixed faults have re-emerged.

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Retesting: Is testing the same functionality again ad again with multiple
sets of data.

Regression: Is testing the already tested functionality again and again in
order to come to a conclusion that functionality is working fine.

It can be done in 2 scenarios:

1) When ever test engineer identified a defect, after rectification once
again we need to test the defected functionality as well as its related

2) When ever some new features are added to the application then we need to
test the related functionalities of those new functionalities.

Testing the same functionality again and again with multiple sets of values is called retesting..
Testing the already tested functionality is called regression testing. generally it was done in 2 scenarios

1.Once finding the defects in the application it was sent to developers once the next build ios released we will test the defected functionality and its related functionalities.

2.Whenever new features are added to the application we will test the the related features with those new features.

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  • Sep 10th, 2011

Regression testing:Regression testing is the testing that can test the modified functionality can effect on any other functionality

Retesting:Testing the already tested program or test a functionality again and again

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Bhavani reddy

  • Mar 15th, 2012

Retesting: It is executing a defect with same data and same environment with different inputs with new build.
Regression testing: In the project if any change request or modifications are occur that time only we are testing.then it should not effect on current functionality

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  • Mar 12th, 2013

It is a type of testing in which one will perform testing on the same fuctionality again and again with multiple sets of data in order to come to a conclusion whether it is working fine or not.

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prasad bsn

  • Apr 10th, 2013

retesting means simply testing the entire app either before finding bug or after fixing the bug
but in regression testing we will check the impact of that bug on remaining parts while fixing I.e whether it has caused any effect to remaining parts of the application

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  • May 22nd, 2013

when we will collect all requirements from the client and plan a test for scenario. Further do the test execution and find out the bugs .Then modify that bugs again we will do the test is called re-testing.

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  • Jul 15th, 2013

re-testing is testing same functionality again and again
regression testing is already tested functionalityes testing again and again

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  • Jul 26th, 2013

Testing the same functionality with different combination  of input data .

1  verify to deposit check
2  verify to deposit more than 25000
3 verify to deposit cash.

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sushma shinde

  • Oct 7th, 2013

Retesting means confirming that reported bug is fixed.
Regression testing means is there any impact of fixing bug on another previously working module

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  • Dec 21st, 2013

Regression testing means testing already tested functionalities following modification to ensure that the bugs have not been introduced to the unchanged areas as a result of changes made

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  • Jun 3rd, 2014

Re testing occurs which a test case has been tested once & failed for which a defect is booked

Where as .... Regression testing means

List of test cases which are highly sensitive like interfaces etc which need to taken for testing

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  • Aug 12th, 2014

Retesting -> Testing the fixed bug or bugs
Regression -> Testing the passed test cases whether cases are effect by the related fixed one

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  • Aug 15th, 2014

Retesting: retesting to check the already checked functionality with same functionality are not

Regression testing: means to check the already tested functionality once bug is found send to the developer and developer is fix that one after that we check that bug is really fixed or not bug is fixed to check the old functionality is there are not

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Rahul Chauhan

  • Jun 18th, 2015

Regression testing: After change in code its need to checkout other functionality working properly or not, after solve a bug and change in functionality need to test your system that is called regression testing.

Re-testing: again test your application in retesting that is bug free or not in case of after fixed a bug

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  • Aug 4th, 2015

Retesting: To check functionality with different input to fix the error functionality is working correct are not.

Regression: If any code has fixed are upgrade but you have maintain new code is affected existing code.

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  • Aug 21st, 2015

Retesting: Testing performed by tester to check the functionality,after the defect was fixed by developer
Regression: Testing performed by tester to check the functionality,after the few changes made by Developer

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  • Oct 30th, 2015

Retesting means while testing a software when we got any defects and those corresponding defects are fixed by developer and release modified sprint.

For this sprint once again we test given same inputs compare to actual output and expected output.

Regression test means for this modified sprint other module is change regards this modified sprint this test is called as regression test.

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  • May 17th, 2016

Retesting: Testing a functionality again after the defects have been fixed.
Regression Testing : Check if already running functionalities are affected by the fixations done by developer.

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  • Jun 21st, 2016

Retesting starts with first release. Regression testing starts with 2nd Release.

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  • Apr 10th, 2017

Retesting - Testing the same functionality with different input

Regression - If any critical issue is raised then we will be reporting to the developer he will fix the issue and give the bug and we will doing retesting i.e, testing functionality is working fine or not and we have to verify any depended functionality is affected by regression we conduct testing for both changed functionality plus depended functionality

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  • Jun 8th, 2017

Retesting is done to confirm whether the failed test cases in the final execution are working fine or not after the issues have been fixed. The purpose of regression testing is that any new change in the application should NOT introduce any new bug in existing functionality.

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