Stress Intensity and VON mises stress
In Ansys software we have options for stress intensity solution and von mises analysis rather than tresca. i want to inquire the difference between stress intensity analysis and von mises analysis?
Capillary tube in Refrigerator & A.C.
How to calculate the length of capillary tube used in Refrigeration & A.C.?
Pipe and Tube
What the difference between a pipe and a tube?
Distillation Column, Heat Exchangers, Compressors and Pumps
Based on which law does distillation column, heat exchangers, compressors and pumps work?
Gear Train
Explain How gear train works?
Refrigerator Tubes
In domestic refrigerator, What are the tubes at the back of the refrigerator called as?
IC Engine Efficiency
With increasing temperature of intake air IC engine efficiency will increase or decrease? Explain
If two springs of stiffness K1 & K2 are in series, the equivalent stiffness is.......................
Meaning of Numerology on spanners and wrenches
When I see any spanner then always there is a number on its ends, like 10,11,12...
What is the exact meaning of that numbers?
Diesel Engines
Why heavy vehicles are made by diesel engine?
Raw Material Calculation
To make a job from brass sheet which is 0.5mm thick, job description is Dia = 16mm, height =8.5 thickness=0.43mm, How will you calculate the material required for making 1 job or 1000 job? What is the dia you should cut from brass sheet on punching machine?
Refrigeration Cycle
Which refrigeration cycle is used in Air conditioning system?
Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions