IC Engine Efficiency

With increasing temperature of intake air IC engine efficiency will increase or decrease? Explain

Questions by anurag_mechanical

Showing Answers 1 - 34 of 34 Answers


  • Apr 8th, 2010

ICE has many efficencies
1) Indicated thermal effeciency
2) Break thermal Effeciency
3) Volumertic Effciency
4) Relative efficency

With Increasing the Inlet temperature the density of air decrease, so volumetric effeciency, one of the most important parameters in ICE will be affected by the inlet gas temperature.
It will increase to some value then decrease if the inlet air temp. increase to high values as the density of the air decrease.
The modern designs make the Exhaust manifold close to the intake manifold to increase the inlet gas temp., that leads to make the combustion easier only at some designed values . Specially in the SIE the evaporation will faster and more efficient.

ICE has many efficencies
1) Indicated thermal effeciency
2) Break thermal Effeciency
3) Volumertic Effciency
4) Relative efficency

With Increasing the Inlet temperature the density of air decrease, so volumetric effeciency, one of the most important parameters in ICE will be affected by the inlet gas temperature. It will increase to some value then decrease if the inlet air temp. increase to high values as the density of the air decrease. The modern designs make the Exhaust manifold close to the intake manifold to increase the inlet gas temp., that leads to make the combustion easier only at some designed values. Specially in the SIE the evaporation will faster and more efficient.

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naveen kumar singh

  • Jul 22nd, 2012

With the increase in temperature of intake air specific heat cp and cv increase by equal amount and it will decrease the ratio cp/cv which increase the efficiency...

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Mallayya S M

  • Oct 12th, 2012

As the pressure increases inside the combustion chamber while the fuel enter to the chamber the temperature also increases when the piston moves from bottom dead centre to top dead centre.

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manoj kuamr

  • Dec 12th, 2012

what is meant by knocking

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  • Jan 11th, 2013

Higher intake temperature of inlet gasses (without effective compression through a turbo charger or supercharger ) will result in decrease in volumetric efficiency of the engine as less air will enter inside the cylinder due to lower density of air fuel mixture.

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  • Jan 12th, 2013

The unwanted sound coming from the engine due to the rapid pressure rise is called Knocking

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shaik samdani

  • Sep 5th, 2015

If intake air temp increases automatically efficiency increase because due more temp air fuel mixture easily ignited.

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  • Nov 9th, 2015

As the temp. of intake air increase the value of CP and CV increases but the value of CP/CV decreases so that the efficiency decrease.

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Henk van der Waard

  • Feb 16th, 2016

According to Carnot efficiency of a process increases when the temperature difference at the start and the end of the process increases. So it will decrease. Rudolf Diesel understood this and based the design of his Diesel engine on this principle. Also intercoolers on cars inlet systems are developed for this reason.

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ramani hardik

  • Feb 23rd, 2016

Efficiency will be decrease because area of Otto cycle decreases with increase in intake temperature.

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  • Aug 13th, 2016

Yeah, increasing the temperature at inlet is the principle of the turbo charging, which we get the hot gases readily and there will be increase of efficiency

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shyam prasad

  • Sep 7th, 2016

It depends on type of engine if SI engine there would be pre-ignition and so detonation would occur and efficiency decreases and for CI engine as temperature increases there would be no time delay so efficiency would be increasing.

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  • Dec 4th, 2017

If we increase temperature of intake air then volume of air is increased and hence density will decrease because of this pressure of inlet air is decrease therefore we does not get proper quantity of air to expands and hence expansion ratio will decrease therefore efficiency will decrease....

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G.Hari pratap

  • Mar 17th, 2018

In diesel engine efficiency increases due to increases of intake air

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