The answer is quite complicated. ?the following discussion mainly concentrate on cooling in sub-tropical environment.?1. you?estimate the cooling loading of the building first. factors like buildin...
A common SHAFT that run throught the whole engine is pretty much the essense of jet engine. this SHAFT connect a COMPRESSOR (basically a complicated cascade of fan like blade with runner and stator ) ...
asif hussain
Apr 17th, 2007
The Recently used engines in the aviation industry are predominantly jet engines and turbo engines similar to gas turbines. For Details look Up 'Turbines used in Aeroplanes' and 'Jet Engines'
Hi i think for L&T good communication skill & good knowldge of mech. engg. is must
sudhir singh chouhan
Feb 9th, 2007
For written test you are required to have basic knowledge of all Mechanical subjects like FM, Material Sc, Mechanics, DOM & Manufacturing.
Most friequently asked topics are Bernullies theorem, Pull...
i say a mechanical engineer can operate both mechanical and other jobs easily as campared to the other branches. mechanical engineer is perfect in case of practical knowledge. totally a mechanical eng...
Feb 23rd, 2007
These days IT companies recruit B.Tech students from any streams. There is no hard and fast rule that a graduate from mechanical engineeing will be in CAD/CAM divisions of IT companies. They will trai...
One is montig class and other is implex class. the methods of class abstract are calibration method and indication method
Feb 5th, 2007
Gnerally class and method is one of the time management technique which deals with management of data sheets route sheet. class is the method for the appraisal of workers and method is the technique used for the appraisal of mechinery