What is the difference between class and method

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Abhinesh K Desai

  • Aug 27th, 2006

A class defines the structure and behavior (data and code) that will be shared by a set of objects. Each object of a given class contains the structure and behavior defined by the class, as if it were stamped out by a mold in the shape of the class.

When you create a class, you will specify the code and data that constitute that class. Collectively, these elements are called members of the class. Specifically, the data defined by the class are referred to as member variables or instance variables. The code that operates on that data is referred to as member methods or just methods.

(If you are familiar with C/C++, it may help to know that what a Java programmer calls a method,

a C/C++ programmer calls a function.)


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karan kapoor

  • Aug 27th, 2006

The behavior and interface of a class are defined by the methods that operate on its instance data.

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  • Feb 5th, 2007

Gnerally class and method is one of the time management technique which deals with management of data sheets route sheet. class is the method for the appraisal of workers and method is the technique used for the appraisal of mechinery

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  • Feb 5th, 2007

one is montig class and other is implex class. the methods of class abstract are calibration method and indication method

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