What are test case techniques?

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  • Feb 22nd, 2006

BVA(Boundary Value Analysis),

ECP(Equavalence Class Partitionig)

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  • Mar 16th, 2006

test case techniques are bva&ccp

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  • Mar 22nd, 2006

Test case techniques are:

1.Cause effect graphing

2.Equivalence partioning

3.Boundary value analysis

4.Error guessing

5. Decision Tables

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  • Apr 12th, 2006

Low Level

  1. Boundary Value Analysis(BVA)
  2. Equivalence Partitioning (EP)
  3. Special Value(SV)
  4. Error Based(EB)
  5. I/O Domain

High Level

  1. Decission Table(DT)
  2. Flow Chart(FC)

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  • May 29th, 2006

1) Boundary Value Analysis

    In this method tester has to concentrate more on the boundaries of the input values.

   Ex: Consider any edit field which can accept values b/w 18-35.

         According to BVA method the valid inputs are:

         17,18,19,34,35 & 36 .

         If the range is 'a' to 'b'.

        Then valid i/ps are:  a-1,a,a+1,b-1,b,&b+1.

2) Equivalence pertitioning

    In this method given i/p is divided into number of equivalence classes.

    From each equivalence class one i/p value is chosed for testing.

    Ex.Consider the above ex. edit field which accepts i/p value b/w 18-35.

    From the given range of i/p value we can form  3 equivalence classes.

    i) Less than 18. 

   ii) Between 18-35.

  iii) Greater than 35.

    Take any value from three equivalence classes and test them.

    Ex.   6, 25,100

3) Error guessing.

    This depends on the tester experience, domain knowledge, & common sense.

    Ex:For the same above ex.

        i)23+,-34,5*,00,Blank,5o(Not zero,O),etc.



  • Nov 29th, 2006

input domain technique.1

in this we can use bva,ecp

2.business logic based technique this type is used to write ninty five percent of testcases

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  • Apr 4th, 2007

Boundary Value Analysis: A method useful for arriving at tests that are effective in catching defects that happen at boundaries. Most of the defects effects at the boundaries. TO get these errors we go for Boundary Value Analysis.
Let me explain with example.
Suppose we have a text box whose limits is 1 to 50. Now to these BVA for these limits the no. of conditions are 6
1 --> checking for 0 value
2 --> checking for 1 value
3 --> checking for 2 value
4 --> checking for 49 value
5 --> checking for 50 value
6 --> checking for 51 value

Now if we test for these conditions then we can say that the limit are working fine.
NOw what about the value inbetween, for this we have to go for ECP

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  • Apr 30th, 2007

Boundary value analysis & Equivalence class partitioning

Boundary value analysis is a methodology for designing test cases that concentrates s/w testing effort on cases near the limits of valid ranges boundary values analysis is a method which refines equivalence class partitioning. Boundary value analysis generates test cases that highlight errors better than equivalence partitioning.

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as explained by satish, its absolutely correct..

i would like to add a thing to it.

there is something called "Probability Class Partitioning" this type is quite similar to error guessing..

most of the time, the probability of finding a bug is taken into consideration here in the "Probability Class Partitioning"

Ex: consider a scenario of LIC  most of the people opt for insurance at the age starting from 22 to 60 years.. so here, the probability is between 22 to 60 years and not 1 to 100years..

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  • Jun 22nd, 2007

Boundary value analysis & Equivalence class partitioning

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  • Jul 19th, 2007

Test case techniques are different

1) White box testing (there are many coverage techniques in this testing type few of them are 1)decision coverage 2)statement coverage and 3)Condition coverage this depends upon the
companies requirements )
2) Black box testing (there are three types in
black box testing they are 1. BVA 2. ECP and 3. Error Guessing)
3) Incremental Testing
4) Thread testing
These are the complete test case techniques on the whole and depending upon the requirement of the company the techniques are followed .

Hope I am clear with my explanation if any wrong please revert back to me

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  • Mar 11th, 2008

test case techniques are
     error guessing
     boundary value analasys
      equilance class partetion

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  • Apr 14th, 2015

Bvb, EP, Error Gessing, DC decision coverage, statement coverage, black box Testing, 

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Ashok kumar

  • May 23rd, 2015

how 17 is valid I/ps in bva and how are telling from a to b- (a-1).is valid input. please reply me I am in confusion.

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venkateswarulu s

  • May 25th, 2015

test case techniques are two types static and dynamic. in dynamic divided into 3 types

below one are the test case techniques

Equivalence Class Partitioning
Boundary Value Analysis
Decision Table

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  • Sep 8th, 2015

Here valid inputs are 1 to 7 so a=1 and b=7 and here they are telling valid inputs are a to b-(a-1) it is correct because a=1 and b-(a-1)=7 so valid

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sai chaithanya mummareddy

  • Dec 12th, 2017

1. Boundary value analysis
2. Equivalence class partitioning
3. Error guessing
4. Decision tree analysis
5. Out of box technique.

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