Negative scenarios for a test scenario

There is an application for grantig personal loan to people.
it has below fields:
1. aadhar card photo
2. Selfie ( aadhar card picture and selfie should match 80%)
3. Bank account statement
4. current address link via any e-commerce portal like amazon or flipkart ( for your esiding address)
5. ITR (if filled) (**not mandatory)
6. Submit button.
** 1-4 conditions are mandatory.
Give negative scenarios for above stated scenario.

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Oct 5th, 2019

Positive -
1)Enter correct data in all the fields and then click submit button
2)Enter correct data in all except ITR field and then click on submit button

Negative -
1)Enter all fields correctly except the address link - Enter incorrect address link
2)Enter selfie in low light conditions or blurred selfie such that the match with the Aadhar card is less than 80%
3)Enter selfie with change in facial conditions (with or without makeup/ facial hair)
4)Enter a different document instead of the original bank statement document and then click on submit button

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  • Oct 24th, 2019

Negative Scenarios:
1. Try to upload pdf, Excel, Video, Audio files for 1& 2 points.
2. Try to attach empty word, excel doc for point 3.
3. Gives wrg link ",in" or invalid inputs like "www.!@#$.com"

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