How to resolve the error when QTP throws this Error "Verify that parent properties match an object currently displayed in your application".I would appreciate your answers.

Questions by harita

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Hi Sucharitha,

  When Qtp gives that error,then there may be a chance that the object is not in the repository.Then Go To Repository and Add the object manually by clicking on the "Add Objects"  Button.

If u have any dbt,fell free to ask



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  • Mar 8th, 2006

Hi Narsimha,

Thank for your Reply.

I have one more Question.

How do We add a Text checkpoint. When I add it from the active screen and run the script, all of them are getting failed

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  • Apr 3rd, 2007


in the menu bar u have the option check points and within that u have an option called text check it and select the area u u said it can also be done through active screen but i`m not sure what ur actual problem is.

if any trouble do mail me


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  • Jun 7th, 2007

"Verify that parent properties match an object currently displayed in your application".

This error is thrown because the object which QTP is trying to recognise does not have unique properties. There is another object on the screen who has same properties.
With the help of object spy get the properties of the object which u want to be tested and then select combination of those properties which will make this object unique.


  • Sep 5th, 2007

When QTP through that error it means that there are number of objects in the repository whose properties are matched with propertice of current object where it gave error. At that time you go to repository & configure the propertice till the tool identifies that object. If necessary take the help of Smart identification.

I have given this answer as per my knowledge if any thing wrong you correct it & send it to  my id srivatsawith @ yahoo . com
Thanks for giving this opportunity.

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  • Oct 26th, 2007

this error usually occur when the object properties that are recorded does not match when you are runing a script for the same object.

check the properties of object from object properties dialog such as match case sensitive, ignore spaces, base state on or off.....
some times the object properties such as ignore spaces is not checked when recording the object from application , but the actual object while runing a script may have spaces for an object .
example is" User name" which is displayed in application as two words with a space between "user " and name. but while recording QTP captures as one word Username in such a case u get those type of errors.

i will get u back on monday with more details.

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We have to identify the parent function references in the object repository to rectify this problem.We may be missed the parent properties while recording bcz of this only we may get the above mentioned error while playing back teh script.

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