QTP Unicode Compliant
Why is QTP referred to as Unicode compliant?
Test Camparator
What does Test comparator tool does:1.Compare expected and actual results.2.Generates data.3.Generate test cases4.None of the above.
CheckPoint Statement
What is CheckPoint Statement in the script?
Without using insert checkpoint how will you insert checkpoint in the script? Expain one example with script. -
Testing Techniques
Explain these 3 Techniques With An Example? 1) Equqlent Class Partision 2) Cause-Effect Graph Analysis 3) Error Guessing?
Candidates for Automation
Which of these are not good candidates for automationa) Applications that business criticalb) Gui based applications involving bitmapsc) Applications with Objects/Functions are used multiple times across applicationd) The impact of the releases affect the entire regress
Selenium tool
ANY body using selenium automation tool as it is a open source , if any body using it plz let me know i have few doubts
Regression Testing Step
There are 100 test cases and you got a bug at 85th test cases.you reported to developers and developers fixed that bug. When you are doing regression testing, from which test case you will do testing? will you start from 85th test case or you will execute 100 test cases?
Final Round Testing
Consider that you have 2 more days to reach the dead line, already you have done 3 cycle of testing. How do you handle the situation if you have got some bugs after conducting final round of testing?
Testing Tools Interview Questions and Faqs
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