Selenium tool

ANY body using selenium automation tool as it is a open source , if any body using it plz let me know i have few doubts

Questions by kanths

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Jul 11th, 2008


the testcases are not running as written ... selenium is running the testcases as it there any solution to rectify this...

eg: testcase 10 in running first then testcase 2 then testcase 8 so on...

can any one tell the reason for this problem


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  • Jul 14th, 2009

First of all, it will better if you use selenium RC to automate multiple test cases by using your choice of language.

You have to follow below mentioned steps when you have to automate multiple test cases:
1. Choose your preferred language i.e.
RUBY, JavaScript, PERL etc.
2. Create a automation framework in your selected language. While creating automation framework you have to notice some things like Logical Data Independence, Reporting, Error log handling, centralized library etc.
3. Record scripts through selenium IDE and convert it to your selected language via IDE.
4. Create functions for each test script and put centralized code in centralized library file.
5. Create a driver file and write command for execution sequence for test script.

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