Why regression test is necessary and at what stage it is conducted?

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  • Feb 28th, 2006

Hi This is Allam,

The main purpose of the regression testing is, Just make sure whether the added functionality have been affected the existing functionality or not.

Typically we test the entire application in Regression testing.

If any one wants more on this, I can elaborate.

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  • Mar 1st, 2006

hai Allam,

Please elaborate it.

Thanks & regards,


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  • Mar 2nd, 2006

regression testing is necessary to ensure that any bug fixes or code changes have not caused any side effects to the present version of the product.

Ii is conducted at every stage(i.e., Integration and system testing stages) after smoke testing


  • Mar 3rd, 2006

Regression Testing is the Testing Process conducted to see fixing of any bug is not affecting else where in the application. so Regression testing is compulsaty and is mandatory.

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  • Mar 8th, 2006

hi regression testing also known as data driven testing is mainly useful for testing between the two versions of the application and check out the modifications....which further helps in testing new applications.

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Mohammed Maaz Mecci

  • Mar 15th, 2006


It is a re-execution of some or all of the tests developed for a specific testing activity for each build of the appalication,verify that changes fixes have not introduced new problems.

hope this answer's you,for more you can contact me on my e-mail 


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hai bharathi Regression Testing is conducted on modified build to ensure that there are no ill effects to other parts of software or programs.This is conducted when development team send the resolving build to testing team.Thanks and Regardssatishreddyssatishreddy@yahoo.com

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  • Mar 29th, 2006

Regression testing is testing the appliction after any bug fixes or modifications. It is verifying whether the bug fix/modification has any effect on any other areas of the application.

For ex: After modify the functionalities of the application it may effect the application's behavior somewhere. So we have to identify the major effected areas and verify them

If we change the label of 'submit' button as 'save' it may not effect the behavior of application.But if you modify the functinality of 'submit' button it ill effect somewhere.

Regression testing can be conducted at any stage (Unit, Integration or system Level). When ever there is a bug fix or modification to existing functionality we can perform this testing.

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srikant das

  • Mar 31st, 2006


Regression testing is necessary to ensure that  changes made in the current software does not affect the functionality of the existing software



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  • Apr 12th, 2006

Hi Allam,

               I accept with ur answer. i have a doubht. if there isa bug reported by ione of the test cases where the total number of test cases is around one lak , then shld i execute all the one lak test cases when i do the Regression testing

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  • Apr 12th, 2006

What is the difference between RETESTING AND REGRESSION testing.

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Hi vidya,

This is praveen.

when there is one lack testcases,Noneed to execute all testcases at  regression testing.Before doing regression we will divide the testcases which are  suitable for regression and we will execute only those testcases.

If u r not clear mail me to mail2praveen_darsi@yahoo.co.in

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p.ranga reddy

  • May 7th, 2006


iam working as faculty in testing tools in hyd.i need ur help abt the process that is taking in companies.let me know any thing regarding testing tools.

keep on updating me abt companies

i hope u will consider me as ur friend


ranga reddy

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  • May 17th, 2006

  hi allam,

            how r u ? i m lakshman.i wann 2 know d difference between Regression testing and retesting.

Thanks & Regards


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  • Jun 9th, 2006

 To cjesk the impact of the added functionality, features, on the another part of the appliction is called regression testing. 

Generally it will happened once developer fixeds the bugs and changes in the requirements and functionality of the application.

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  • Jun 18th, 2006

Hi Iam jayakumar,Ur anwer is good.I will say with an example If u have 1000 testcase received in the first build out of 1000 testcase, 900 testcase pass and 100 test case fail.After the bug fix when the second build is received we have to do 100 testecase for re-testing and 900 testcase for regression testing.Its ok .Bye.Jayakumar@labwatch.com

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  • Jun 30th, 2006

Regression Testing:Regression testing is the process of retesting the whole application especially when the new release of the product is being launched by the company. In this process we test all the defects/bugs found in all releases from first release to the present release.ThanksNawazish

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  • Sep 14th, 2006

Regression testing is done after completion of compherensive level1 testing after bug resolving this testing is also called as level2 testing  

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  • Apr 4th, 2007

Regression testing is conduct retesting on newly relesed bulid to ensure bugfix and side effects

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HI vidhya,
Retesting is testing that testcase again in this test we will test only that part only ,where as inregression test we test the related test cases whether they affect the remaining or not.
this is as per my knowledge.
thank you

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  • Apr 26th, 2007

Regression testing  is  a type of testing where the already tested functionality is once again tested.it is necessary bcoz it is required to make the developed product is defect free.

  it is necessary bcoz when  build#1 is released to testing department then  a test engg. tests the defect functionality as well as the related functionality.

 after  rectification by the develoer and the next build is released to testing department with the new changes  as build#2. then the test engg. once again tests the already tested functionality in spite of new changes are incorporatedonly for selected testcases not for the whole testcases.

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  • Aug 18th, 2007

Regression testing is testing the impact on other functionalities of an application after bug fixing and any modifications established. Regression is necessary because to make sure that our application is working fine accarding to the client requirements.

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  • Sep 10th, 2011

When we are performing the re testing on a functionality,it is much importance to test the any other functionality gets effected due to this re-testing

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  • Dec 12th, 2011

Regression Testing : Testing an already tested functionality when an addition functionality or bug is fixed is know as regression testing .

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Regression test is necessary because when any bug is fixed or any new module is introduced to or deleted from the application, it may happen that any other module/part of the application is affected.

So regression testing is done to check whether other modules are affected by the change/fixation of the application.

Stage: It is done when any module is fixed or any new module is added to or deleted from the application.

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  • Sep 25th, 2012

Whenever any modifications or enhancements are made to already tested application at that time we are going to test the modified or enhanced features first and then existing one.

Why again we are going to test the existed means... because of these added or modified features any damage is happend in ihe existing app.

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Regression testing helps to overcome any bugs is present in the Software.It is used to identify all modules are working fine without any defects.
Regression testing usually carried out at the end of product release.

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  • Jun 3rd, 2014

Regression testing takes place once the intergration testing is completed....

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Amit Pandey

  • Feb 15th, 2017

What will happen if regression testing is not done after defect fixing?

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  • Nov 4th, 2017

The purpose of regression testing is that any new change in the application should NOT introduce any new bug in existing functionality, because in Regression testing we check all the related modified functionality working fine or not.

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