Explain how you organize or prioritize your workload.
How do you know when you are successful?
Non Functional Requirements
What are the Non Functional Requirements and what factors make them a good NFR?
what is the difference between business requirement document(BRD) and functional requirement document(FRD)?
Evaluating existing processes
Describe your experience evaluating existing processes and recommending updates or enhancements?
How a BA handles Business Recks, User recks, Functional recks?
Business Rule & Business Validation
What is the difference b/w Business Rule & Business Validation ?
Business Analyst Domain Expertise
Does a Business Analyst need domain expertise? Justify.
Tracibility matrix
How would you track changes and defects using tracibility matrix
How you proceed to convert Business Requirement till the signoff on the documents?
Steps carried out during initial project kick off till the requirement Document sign off for a new project
Difference between PM and BA
What is the difference between a project manager and a Business analyst ?
Business Rules
How do you document business rules?
Sequence to write a test case.
Test script, test data, test scenario, use case. So confusing, what comes after what to write a test case?
Business Analyst Interview Questions