How would you transform business requirements to functional requirements?

Questions by hafsaik

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  • Member Since Mar-2007 | Mar 27th, 2007

while preparing Business requirements documents you mention why you need to bulit a system, i.e. problem statement. What you need to do while creating functional requirements is you have to specify is, solution of the problem. Specify thorugly business problem and explain solution for the same.

Business requirement documents does not necessarrily contains solution part, functional requirement may contain it how end user wants the system to perform. Dont forget to add non-functional requirements same doc.

Following is the instance of Business Requirement, Functional Requirement and Non-Functional Requirement.

Business Requirements :- sales order is made against customers purchase order. Sales order is given for approval to upper authority

Functional requirement:- Sales order shall be made with reference from Purchase order and it should be approved from upper authority.

Non-Functional Requirement:- Sales order should be in proper format (Specify format) and six copy of sales order should be printed from printer in 1 minute.

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers

snehal panchal

  • Jan 6th, 2007

simple, if i  am understanding your question right;

Which is the most easiest way to find function requirements:

USE CASES make use case for each function of system


  • Feb 20th, 2007

  • Create project-initiation diagrams including business use cases, activity diagrams, workflow diagrams, flowcharts
  • Determine project scope and derive context diagrams and project use cases from the business diagrams
  • Detail the use cases by using activity diagrams or other techniques
  • Create high level analysis dataflow diagrams, domain class diagrams, and entity-relationship diagrams from the use cases or other high level diagrams
  • Recognize and understand the various design models, including the other relevant types of UML diagrams, detailed design entity-relationship diagrams, and decomposed dataflow diagrams
  • Determine when to use which modeling technique, following them through a project life cycle, and understand which diagrams are derived from others
Understand the basic concepts of normalization and decomposition so can converse intelligently on the topic and review diagrams that have been normalized or decomposed.


  • Mar 27th, 2007

while preparing Business requirements documents you mention why you need to bulit a system, i.e. problem statement. What you need to do while creating functional requirements is you have to specify is, solution of the problem. Specify thorugly business problem and explain solution for the same.

Business requirement documents does not necessarrily contains solution part, functional requirement may contain it how end user wants the system to perform. Dont forget to add non-functional requirements same doc.

Following is the instance of Business Requirement, Functional Requirement and Non-Functional Requirement.

Business Requirements :- sales order is made against customers purchase order. Sales order is given for approval to upper authority

Functional requirement:- Sales order shall be made with reference from Purchase order and it should be approved from upper authority.

Non-Functional Requirement:- Sales order should be in proper format (Specify format) and six copy of sales order should be printed from printer in 1 minute.


  • May 16th, 2009

Business Requirements depict the features or needs the business is looking
for. They represent what they are expecting from the system.

Functional Requirements depict how the system should represent the
functionality desired by the system.

This transition from business requirements to functional requirements can be
indicated textually and also via UML modeling using Use cases, Activity
Diagrams, Mockups.

Abdul Salam

  • Jun 24th, 2015

Business Requirement:
In short word its an event the end user do on daily basis such as adding money on account by bank tellers or adding your name in waiting list while placing a call to customer care.
Functional Requirement: How above to event should be done. what technology and flow of the process of respective event should be done such as, when account number enter by bank teller into the system should validate the account holder name and number and any queries if there. And for second case, the computer should take the call and keep it in row while the care representative can see line in wait using technology such as sales force, egain and others also keep sending message to user" be online, and if he reach on third position should mention it " u r in third number" " such instances.

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  • Oct 28th, 2015

BRD depicts the business challenges and problem statements. where as FRD depicts how the solution has been defined for the problem statement. As we all know BRD is source for FRD we can elaborate and detail the requirements textually, flow diagrams, and use case models.

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