Editorial / Best Answer
Helping users to explain their requirements.
First and for most, you must understand that for the most part, users do not understand what is happening behind the forms they are inputting data into. A Business Analyst needs to be able to view the system through the eyes of a user and though the eyes of the developer. Then negotiate a compromise that will meet the user’s needs and also maintain system integrity.
You have to peel back the onion with the users by asking leading questions, such as, If you select this value from the list box, what would you like to see happen on the screen.
If you forget about the code and focus on the behavior of the form, you'll get a lot further with users. In addition, users tend to get there backs up when they are approached by someone from IT because they tend not to feel that the IT rep understands what they are saying and they get very frustrated. If they are frustrated, then gathering solid requirements goes out the door.
I was a user before I became a BA and I'm proud of it. :-)
What problems did you run into while gathering requirements?
Questions by SonaliB answers by SonaliB
Editorial / Best Answer
andar777Helping users to explain their requirements.
First and for most, you must understand that for the most part, users do not understand what is happening behind the forms they are inputting data into. A Business Analyst needs to be able to view the system through the eyes of a user and though the eyes of the developer. Then negotiate a compromise that will meet the user’s needs and also maintain system integrity.
You have to peel back the onion with the users by asking leading questions, such as, If you select this value from the list box, what would you like to see happen on the screen.
If you forget about the code and focus on the behavior of the form, you'll get a lot further with users. In addition, users tend to get there backs up when they are approached by someone from IT because they tend not to feel that the IT rep understands what they are saying and they get very frustrated. If they are frustrated, then gathering solid requirements goes out the door.
I was a user before I became a BA and I'm proud of it. :-)
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