How do you resolve issues?

Questions by hafsaik

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since May-2008 | May 31st, 2008

Dear Friends
I have read most of the answers and I am impressed the way people resolve the Issues...But I am sorry to say most of the people forgot that they are attending this question in a Business Analyst interview.

The meaning for this question is as a business analyst how do you resolve issues?
not only in your team but the problems faced while you were at clients place( while gathering requirements)

Lets take an example of improper requirements: If two department people are giving the requirements and if they have some common resources to one department people wants the application in some way and the other department wants in otherway...If they are adament on their statements and wants the application to be developed in their way....which is not feasible ...then we have to follow these steps
1. Explain them clearly what we can not build an application until and unless they agree and stick to single opinion.

2. If they still do not understand tell them about the time constraint. man hours wastage and money loss for their own company if they try to prolong the issue.

3. Even if they donot agree then report this issue to the your higher authority which is project manager or Principle BA to look in to this matter which he inturn speaks to the client regarding this issue.

similarly if you have any issues regarding communication and it is better you convince your client if you can use any recorder to record the requirements which you can later analyse or ask for the help of interpreter.

so these are all the steps usually a BA should follow to resolve any issue.

please do correct me if anybody disputes with my opinion.

Best Regards

Ravindra Munaganti

Showing Answers 1 - 22 of 22 Answers


  • Nov 26th, 2006

Its really simple as you have to check out the folowing:

(1) who(who made this issue),what(what was the actual cause of the issue?),when(when did this issue occur?),where ( where did this happen),why(why did this happen),how( how did this happen)?

and last but not the least you have to use your brain and common sense.

Take for and Example Like:

If an issue comes up saying that people are not doing their work properly in an office and in the end of the month the outcome of performance is not upto the expectations of the standards of the company. then we must look out for the following like helding up Meetings and pointing out people whose standards are not upto the mark and try to help in motivating them, and try to improve their faults, in making efforts to improve their performance standards and and then if things are not going as expected then actions should be taken against them which in Rare cases may result in Termination/suspension/or demotion of the specific employee. this is how most of the issues can be resolved....

Please see: i am not an expert in this matter but what ever i have read in books and all my practical knowledge of what i have understood i am sharing it with you? if you have any suggestions and comments please e-mail me to



  • Feb 12th, 2007

thats the standard way of managing the problemsgood job

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How would you resolve issues with multiple Follow-ups - if the suggessions are not implemented by the teams as asked for or if the requirements / assumptions are overlooked by them ..  where the expected output is not upto the mark... I am perfectionist from reviews perspective - how do i work coordially with my team to set such expectations...

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  • Jun 4th, 2007

the issue can be resolve by follow up session followed by one to one session....
motivating the employee......supporting biased situation......
really helps to resolve the conflict

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  • Sep 3rd, 2007

I would rather focus on issues and the facts related. Origin of issue, serverity of the issue, implications and possibles solutions to solve the issue. Try not to focus on the person who brough up the issue.

Another important part is how to avoid similar issues in future.

Sa Situation In

Aa Action Taken by Yu as BA

Ra Result ( outcome?). ( what was the result + /-).

1st I usually know The Situation (Problem/issue to solve or Need to upgrade or update)

2nd What Action I took (add a feature to the Requirement or add another requirement).

3rd What was the Result (Was it successful, Did the Business users, PM, or stakeholders accepted and lead to smooth sign off and finally the application is deployed according to the plan or not).

Dear Friends
I have read most of the answers and I am impressed the way people resolve the Issues...But I am sorry to say most of the people forgot that they are attending this question in a Business Analyst interview.

The meaning for this question is as a business analyst how do you resolve issues?
not only in your team but the problems faced while you were at clients place( while gathering requirements)

Lets take an example of improper requirements: If two department people are giving the requirements and if they have some common resources to one department people wants the application in some way and the other department wants in otherway...If they are adament on their statements and wants the application to be developed in their way....which is not feasible ...then we have to follow these steps
1. Explain them clearly what we can not build an application until and unless they agree and stick to single opinion.

2. If they still do not understand tell them about the time constraint. man hours wastage and money loss for their own company if they try to prolong the issue.

3. Even if they donot agree then report this issue to the your higher authority which is project manager or Principle BA to look in to this matter which he inturn speaks to the client regarding this issue.

similarly if you have any issues regarding communication and it is better you convince your client if you can use any recorder to record the requirements which you can later analyse or ask for the help of interpreter.

so these are all the steps usually a BA should follow to resolve any issue.

please do correct me if anybody disputes with my opinion.

Best Regards

Ravindra Munaganti

Resolving issues require information gathering and asking questions like
Who (who made the issue)
When (when did the issue occur)
Where (where did this happen)
What (what happened)
Why (why did this happen)
How (How did this happen)
How (How to focus on avoiding such issues in the future)
Once you have all the information ,you can find implications and solutions to
solve the issue.
Try to focus on the issue not the person who brought about the issue.

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  • Dec 20th, 2008

When ever we have issues
First what is the cause fo the issues
Second what is the soulations
3rd what is the best soulations

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  • May 14th, 2010

As Business Analyst what we may face (or, what I have faced), issues could be different types e.g.

  • Requirement/ technical issues
  • Communications issues
  • Difference of opinion amongst team members, business users issues
I'd address each of the issues differently.
  • Requirement/ technical issues- these are rather simple to handle as it is most of the time a well defined problem as "requirement ABC is missing...., requirement XYZ is not possible to provide....., requirement MNP is not feasible technically....". So, all these require slight prior work and management. Thorough analysis, review of requirement, good quality documentation along with review and sign off from all stake holders, involvement of technology team representitive in JAD sessions will help minimizing the above kind of issues popping up later. Then helping user team understand the importance of requirement and the time frame of deliverables would make them comfortable to decide whether the change they have requested is really required at that point or not. Sometimes, technical team may be rigid not to provide a requirement which is important (might have missed or change requested), then BA as a liason between user and techology team has to do research and convicne tech team about the importance of the missed/ changed requirement. Afterall, every one wants to make their deliverable the best!!
  • Maintaining issue log for above issue with who raised it, when, when can be resolved, who is responsible, resolution and state of the issue is very effective way to progress for resolution and avoid arising it next time.
  • Best ways to address communication issues are maintain written documents/ emails for all kind of decision and get sign off from all responsible stakeholders. Always giving exmaple, structural representation is a better idea to explain if applicable. Then discuss your communication (mostly complex topic/ clarification) before broadcasting to every one with the right stakeholders.
  • Difference of opinion- Should be addressed by meetings (more informal). BA as a liason person should be prepared with facts (e.g. which approach results what kind of features in the system, time & effort required etc). Facts are always attractive and convincing. Then soft issues should be handled by open heart discussion over coffee!
I hope, this helps!

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