40 IBM Oracle DBA Interview Questions

1) How to install patches? And what are pre-requsites?
2) How to upgrade to AND to and to
3) How to take the backup of oracle_home and oracle_inventory?
4) What is OCR & voting disk?
5) How to take backup of OCR and voting?
6) Which one take backup if OCR and voting disk?
7) Suppose lose OCR what happen and voting lose what happen
8) What is scan? What is its major purpose?
9) For database how many scan ips using?
10) In DG setup we mention stdby_file_management=auto for what purspose?
11) How to know the version of os and version of dbase?
12) How to know the CPU usage?
13) How to find dabase size exactly? IGATE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS?
14) What is the diff b/w full bkp and rman level 0 backup?
15) Last Sunday Rman incremental level 0 backup- then next day incremental level 1 bkp? (or) This Sunday Rman full backup- then incremental level 1 bkp? It considered from previous Sunday bkp to today? Or this Sunday bkp to today?
16) How to know Oracle s-id?
17) What are RAC components?
18) Did you know installation of RAC?
19) What is alert log and what is trace? Tell me the locations?
20) How to check health of instance? What erros you are identified in alert log?
21) Tell any 2 issues you have resolved?
22) What is SGA? I want to call it has shared global area or not?
23) What is these awr and addm and all? Tell me about that?
24) What are indexes? My table working fine so what is the necessity of indexes using in my table?
25) What is Explain plan?
26) Im losing a file it is also not in backup? How to get?
27) Diff between DG and RAC?
28) I want to disable AWR job so how to do it?
29) A query doesnot executed properly so where I need to check?
30) Any errors you have found in alert log like ora-600,ora-740 etc
31) When ever log switch occur in database not only manually issuing “alter system switch log file”? IBM NEW QUESTIONS ? (date:
32) Please write a script in crowntab for enabling this job. Every Mon-Fri day 6:30 pm take the files backup into this file backup.sh?
33) If LGWR is disabled then what happens in this database?
34) If DBWR is disabled then what happens in this database?
35) If ASMM is enabled for SGA it can considered either memory or datafile size?
36) Suppose database suddenly down. So checking the os and database where we can go for searching both (os/database)?
37) I want to start archivelog mode automatically when issue startup? So write the required entries in pFile?
38) Move the tables from one tablespace to another? If suppose index is invalid so rebuild it? Write a script for this in your resume backside?
39) What is the necessity of re-organize TableSpace? How to re-orgainze ur tablescapes tell those steps? Yearly how many times we have to re-organize the table space?
40) How to change PMON behavior?

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers

oracle DBA

  • Nov 4th, 2015

Whenever switch log occurs.

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  • Nov 30th, 2015

Using Oracle OPatch Utility

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manish singh

  • Jun 1st, 2016

We cannot take backup of OCR..

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alekhya kumari

  • Sep 22nd, 2016

Patches can be installed by using Opatch utility except patchsets. patchsets are installed by invoking runInstaller. Pre-requisite is before installing any patch/patchsets go through read me of the patch. Once we download a patch it is available in dump files

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alekhya kumari

  • Sep 22nd, 2016 is the base version to upgrade to downloading s/w from metalink/support.oracle.com installing binaries on top of home page of any location which has some low user activity (without taking any down time). Whereas is not only base but all,, are also considered as base versions

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alekhya kumari

  • Sep 22nd, 2016

# cat /etc/issue -os name & version of os. when we start a database its version is shown

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Sanjay Srivastava

  • Feb 9th, 2017

We can take backup of OCR file.
ocrconfig -manual backup;

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