How do you handle User Conflict

Questions by joeboy4545   answers by joeboy4545

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • Sep 30th, 2008

We know that no 2 persons are same, So as a BA we should know that no 2 users will have same needs, and even if they have, they might not agree at that time. so whenever there is user conflict, i suggest that meet the users seprately and make a note of their requirements and make them compromise the requiremnts and go by the priorities and the interests the the users and the organisation as a whole.

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  • Jun 2nd, 2009

Best way is to convene a meeting  have the related SME,Stakeholders join for  the meeting and disucss the requirement in conflict

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  • Oct 13th, 2009

I think the best way to handle user conflicts is to document all the user requirements and send a copy to the user via email and ask for his sign off. This way you will have proof of what you (BA and User) initially agreed upon while gathering the requirements. So if at all user changes his word at the end, you have the proof and you can show him what you initially agreed on.


  • May 16th, 2010

I'd always try my best to include all the users in requirement gathering and analysis sessions. If SMEs that are different than user group available in the organization, they are the key people to resolve such kind of conflicts.

Then, I'd consider each user requirment, analyze and brainstorm on that. This brainstorming should include representitive from technology team. Analyze these conflict requirements in a line of thought that either both are same only depicted in a different ways, or they are both correct but to different situation or one of them may not be right.

If they are actually same, then come up with example & proof to the users how they are the same or how they both can be achieved in the same time within the system. If they both are right however belong to different situation (may look similar in manual system) in automatic system, come up with the idea how system is going to perceive them as different and implementing both. If one of them is not right, come with proof from SMEs, technology team (like not feasible), written communication from higher authority like PM (like cannot be delivered in the estimated time frame) and explain politely.

My experience says, educated people love facts. So, if you can categorise the issue, analyze and come up with facts for your solution, people will appreciate you!

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Abraham Varghese

  • Aug 21st, 2011

Normally 3 types of conflicts seen
1) User is giving a requirement that is not at all related to business needs.---?
Best way to handle such conflicts is to educate about scope of the business needs and make the clear through sessions about what exactly needed at Org level.

2) Users having conflicts in their requirements. Each one wants priority over their requirement where more than one stakeholders are involved.
Best way to handle such situation is one-to-one meeting/Joint meeting along with SME. As prevention is better than cure, using prioritization techniques in first time itself may remove such conflicts. In case after discussion, if there is still conflicts requirements are exists then it is better way to understand its pros & cons at Org level and present them along with SME and technical experts. If still conflicts does not go then best way to put onto decision stakeholder meetings and get correct recommendation.

3) This time of conflicts arrives at Solution definition. Even the Goal is having no conflicts among stakeholders but they may have conflicts in arriving at same. For example : A Goal is to do valid customer checks at feedback forms have more than 10 fields. If a stakeholder says that validation requires at each field point with masters but another says at submit only with pointer to issue fields. Depends on technical challenges on Web infrastructure or geographical locations technical experts advice to have at submit to get better through put. So both stakeholders to be educated to go with second stakeholder opinion and technical recommendation that suites organization infrastructure.


  • Aug 1st, 2016

Generally, the conflicts are handled with one-on-one meetings. If there is no agreement between both the parties then we have to include the upper management to resolve the problem.

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