Explain how you organize or prioritize your workload.

How do you know when you are successful?

Questions by wlj0328

Showing Answers 1 - 16 of 16 Answers


  • Aug 17th, 2014

It is depending on the list of tasks you are carrying for that day or week.

First take the priority of business related task or issues ( example : premium payment , login credential problem production issues).

second the projects or CR which are in pipe line and need to close in that week or within couple of days,
and also any data required from the other systems to move further.

Third due to some reason testing is not proceed further, resolve those problem to it get close as early as possible, so that that CR can send for UAT and than production movement can takes place( It may be stand in second)
SO on...


  • Sep 18th, 2014

We are never set any priority at own. asking the end user or reporting manager if I have multitask to perform. if client happy then all happy.

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Mitesh Patel

  • Sep 20th, 2014

As mentioned by Sony it depends on task -youre having with you.Priority will be categorized based on the impact of business. then we can categorized as per the earliest future completion task.

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Bharat Bhushan Ji

  • Feb 17th, 2015

When i used to drive 3 wheeler auto rickshaw in India. I had difficult time organizing the work load because sometimes too many people trying to fit & sit in my Auto Rickshaw, then the workload would go more because i had to work more and there was lot of load on Auto Rickshaw. I dropped fat people at their destinations first to reduce the load. So, this is how i organized and priortized my work load.

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  • Oct 9th, 2015

Organizing the task is the first priority of business analyst work. User interaction is the priority, because without any input what to start and what to comprise this understanding is next to impossible. After that second phase conversion of user requirement into functional requirement with non functional add on. There must be sharp eye on user ping.

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  • Dec 9th, 2015

Priortize work based on Urgent vs. Important tasks. If there is an urgent task that may impact production or SLAs I would work on that first than a task that is important such as creating a report on cost and benefit analysis of an upcoming project.

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  • Mar 12th, 2016

Make a list. Work out what order to do things in by thinking about which tasks are urgent and how important each task is. If not sure what’s urgent and what isn’t, or how important different tasks are, find out. When given a new task, add it to the list and decide when to do it, adapting the order in things are done.

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  • Jul 6th, 2017

For prioritization of the task there is an activity known as BA governance wherein we can select the task which needs to be done first based on the stake holders requirement, timeline given or is there any dependency in that particular task.

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