When testing web applications?

Do you have web testing experience? Describe something a tester should keep in mind when testing web

Questions by Santhoshi Kotha   answers by Santhoshi Kotha

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Sapna Manchalwar

  • Oct 12th, 2011

Yes , i have experience of web testing application.

Following are the points to keep in mind by the tester :-
Firstly tester should keep in mind the software development life cycle and all testing strategies.
1. Requirement should be very cleared.
2. Flow of the project should be known.
3. Unit testing should be done very properly , so that integration testing can be done effectively.
4. Use cases for Integration testing.

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  • Oct 13th, 2011

Lets not get into "if I have experience" (which I do anyways).

To answer the second part of your question -

1. UI testing : look and feel of the website tops the list
2. Functional testing : if all the feature/icons/ links etc work as expected
3. Browser compatibility testing: If the application behaves consistently on various browsers.
3 a. (Extension of 3) Mobile/tablet compatibility testing: If the web site behaves consistently on various smartphones and tablets (ipad etc)
4. Performance testing : if the web pages respond within the time set in requirements document. Example - the requirements say that so and so page or website must respond within 5 seconds. Google search engine thrives on their algorithm and fast response times.
5. Integration testing - if the web application interacts correctly with databases, other sites (you click on link don't you) etc.
5. Security testing : Hackers should not be able to get sensitive data or mess around with servers etc.
6. Operating systems compatibility : if it can run on all OS - MAC, windows, linux etc.

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