Font and alignments Testing

How will you perform testing font and alignments in a web site manually?

Questions by parvathyc09

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 30th, 2009

There are many ways to test font and alignment on a website.  Font type and font alignment in webpage frames and tables must correspond to those found in the technical specification.  Approved wireframes and mock-ups provide even more information.  Either compare pages against these documents or compare their source against approved CSS files. 

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There are many ways to test font and alignment on a website.  Font type and font alignment in webpage frames and tables must correspond to those found in the technical specification.  Approved wireframes and mock-ups provide even more information.  Either compare pages against these documents or compare their source against approved CSS files. 

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1. Font consistency should be there for each and every page to the requirement.
2. Alert messages should be fitted to the page with out affecting the design.
3. Dynamic Table contents should be fitted to the Table on entering the exceeded text.
4. Specific Font and their styles should be observed throuh the mock up screens.
5. Check the CSS files should affilated to all browsers.

Ensure that the Font and Alignment issues should not be there in all over the application. If the application is browser dependent, issue should not be there in the lower version of the browser.

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The font style and size is same for entire the application

Ex: if the application use the 14 as size and Times new roman font for header section the same thing should dollow in all the other header pages in the application

Comes to alignment

By seeing the application we get some idea about the application

Ex: consider the registration form
it have some set of fields
All field names sholud start in same line and end with :(colon) and the respected field box shuld again start in the same way this should be followed for all the other remaining fields.

The alignment should not be change by entering the large amount of data to the fields.

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