What are the typical problems in web testing?

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  • Feb 23rd, 2006

1:server problems(ie server down or under maintance)

2:HardWare problem

3:DataBase problem

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  • Apr 30th, 2006

In the web testing the main problems with SERVER securitty

the security testing plays imp role

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The typical problems are as follows

As for as my knowledge below risks will be there in web testing.

1. Security: Now a days every financial transaction sites like banking sites afraid by hearing this word some un known person hacked the real time user's data and will do some transactions. To avoid this type of
vulnerabilities lot of precautions need to take as there are so many types are there under security testing ie XSS
SQL injection.

2. Performance: After security 2nd priority thing is Performance the web site should response in a meaningful time to the user with out any disturbances. Even while doing money related transactions there
should not be any abnormal errors like showing blank page etc.

3 Load: Web site should be responded to the give load of users with out getting stuck.
4. Access: Only authorised users are allowed to access the web site application should restrict the un authorised users.
Privileges: Application should allow the users to access the information depends on their
privileges for ex: normal user should not be able to invoke the administrative user related information.
6. Globalization : This will asks only few clients if currently we are working on Product for example: if application invoked by Indians then indian language should be shown in application invoked by an Japanese then application should be shown in Japanese.



  • Mar 27th, 2009

1) Security- Authntication Issue, data not encrypted, User privileges leaks, SQL injection can done, cross side scripting, cookie testing etc.

2)Session Issues:- Session of page not maintained.

3) Compatibility Issues: Browsers like Mozilla 3/2, IE 6/7, safari , netscape etc.

4) Performance: Response time throughput etc.

5) GUI issues:- Page resize issues, alignment of page, page refresh issues, look & feel, broken links, bad hyperlinks, spelling etc.

6) Useablity: User friendliness of site like sorting of data in dropdown etc.

7) Load & stress: site not beer load for large number of users.

The following are some of the typical problems discovered through web testing.  Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.

1) Pages on the website are not properly validated and do not conform to industry standards (CSS, HTML/XHTML).
2) The application's business logic is not proper.
3) Mechandising content on pages are inassessible or incorrect (if applicable).
4) User inputs are not properly validated. 
5) User inputs do not meet technical specification.
6) Error messages are not generated or are incorrect.
7) Web page design (fonts, color scheme, layout) does not meet requirements. 
8) Broken links.
9) Feeds do not work properly.
10) Pages are not assessible for visually impaired.
11) Advertisements are incorrect or don't function as expected.
12) Copyright information is incorrect.
13) End User License Agreement (EULA) is incorrect.
14) Images have not been optimized or do not otherwise meet requirements.
15) Cookies don't work properly (if applicable).
16) Web client can't handle some of the messages returned by server.
17) Pages don't render properly with some operating systems and/or browsers.
18) Data obtained through web pages are not captured and/or stored properly in database.
19) It takes too long for some pages to render.
20) Performance lags when there are numerous simultaneous users.
21) Users have inappropriate access to roles or content.
22) User problems with login (password strength, failure to track login attempts, etc).
23) Concurrency issues (session problems) when multiple users are on the same page and/or when a single user is on multiple windows of the same page. 
24) Server log does not properly track transactions.
25) Website does not properly use SSL.


  • Sep 18th, 2011

1. Broken links
2. Pages don't render properly with some os and browsers
3. Long time taken for page rendering
4. Web page design doesnt meet requirements
5. Feeds dont work properly
6. Cookies don't work properly
7. CSS/HTML validation hasn't happened properly
8. Concurrency issue

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