Cross browser testing tools

Cross browser testing and software or utilities that can be used to take screen shots of multiple browsers when submitted website url:
Do any one used any tool/utility for the below purpose while testing web applications on different browsers? Please send me details if you are using any tool/utility or if you any idea regarding it:
“utilities/softwares that would take screenshots of different stores across different browsers & save them for someone to review all the pages”

Questions by bhagya.kkm

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Oct 14th, 2011

In my previous company, I was evaluating a bunch of open source and commercial tools and we zeroed on "cross browser testing" online tool. The beauty is it supports 100+ browsers including desktop and mobile and it has interactive and side-by side. But its not free. We chose browsers and paid accordingly. It also points out the UI/functionality inconsistencies between browsers, which is awesome!

I've never used "cloud testing" service (not free) but heard its good too.

If you want a free tool you could use "browsershots" which supports 65+ browsers, but its does have interactive testing. Sauce labs is also good in that it allows you to record scripts in Selenium and lets you run the tests on various browsers.

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