What is diff b/w sanity and smoke testing?who will give the seviority and priority?

Questions by vijay.405

Showing Answers 1 - 17 of 17 Answers


  • Oct 11th, 2006

I have gathered a few points about the difference between smoke and sanity testing from the responses of two software testing groups. I have added the points below.


However, my experience of executing the Smoke and Sanity testing has been the following:


Smoke Test:

When a build is received, a smoke test is run to ascertain if the build is stable and it can be considered for further testing.


Smoke testing can be done for testing the stability of any interim build.


Smoke testing can be executed for platform qualification tests.


Sanity testing:

Once a new build is obtained with minor revisions, instead of doing a through regression, a sanity is performed so as to ascertain the build has indeed rectified the issues and no further issue has been introduced by the fixes.  Its generally a subset of regression testing and a group of test cases are executed that are related with the changes made to the app.


Generally, when multiple cycles of testing are executed, sanity testing may be done during the later cycles after through regression cycles.


sudhakar kolla,


My email:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.


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  • Oct 12th, 2006

Sanity and Smoke test are one and the same. It depends upon the organizations some call it as Smoke test and some of them as Sanity Test.

We do this test once we get the build. It is to test whether the build is stable or not for further testing.

Severity and Priority of the bug is given by the tester.

Severity is confined to Test Engineer whereas the priority is confined to Developer.

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Chakrapani Anumula

  • Oct 12th, 2006

Smoke Testing:- when I receive the build,I will check major functionalities.during this test,we can send bugs to the development team.(if bugs arises)

Sanity Testing:-when we get the initial build from the development team,we perform sanity testing.

whether build is working properly interms of following factors:-

Easy to understand,Easy to Operate,Short Navigations.

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  • Oct 16th, 2006

Smoke Test : This is called as CRUD test which means testing the basic functionalities of the application. It is nothing but






Severity : This is will assigned by the tester only.

Priority : will be decided by the developer/System analyst

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  • Oct 23rd, 2006

Sanity testing mean's to estimate the stability build before starting testing.

Smoke testing mean's extra shake up of smoke testing.Here we reject the build with reasons tht the build is workinng properly

Severity mean's the impact of the defect on the application

Priority means by seeing the severity we decide priority.

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  • Oct 24th, 2006

Sanity testing means before start testing testors, test whether the build is stable or not(that means whether the URL is properly working or not)Smoke testing:-It is the extra shake up in the sanity testing,in this test ,testors are reject the build with proper reason when is not working properly.

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  • Oct 27th, 2006


    Sanity : After receiving the initial build testing team conducts testing to findout  whether the build is working or not. which is the first testing technique applied on the build. To checks the whether the build is acceptable for further testing or not.

   1. All menu items are opening or not

   2. All text boxes are accepting key board values or not.

   3. All objects are responding or not etc.

   Smoke: After completion of Sanity testing, testing team verifies whether the application is accepting customer expected values or not, which is called "Smoke testing".

By doing these testings only will be able to decide whether initial build is stable or unstable.


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  • Dec 18th, 2006

snaity testing is initial testing whether to see that new software is performing well enough to accept it for major testing.

smoke testing is to test the major functionality of the application and it does not test the finer parts of testing

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praveen kkumar

  • Dec 22nd, 2006

Hi,sanity testing: It is the testing which is done on the Initial Build i,e(after the development has released the build ) to test whether the build is executable r notsmoke testing : it is extra shake up in sanity testing in this after conducting the sanity testing if the build is giving a runtime error are any error,then the tester will provide some extra information regarding that error that is known as smoke testing.seveirity: Bug seveirity is nothing but how much the build is effecting the Build.priority: Bug priority is nothing but where it is comingex: I/p domain bugspelling mistakeright alignment In the above ex spelling mistake is considered as high priority bug I,egiven high priority than the right alignment.

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  • Dec 22nd, 2006

Smoke Testing is testing the main functionalities of a system without bothering about the finer details.In smoke testing we test the major functionalities of a system rather that testing the whole system.It is also know as build verification Testing BVT.15 to 20% of the critical test cases are executed in the smoke testing.Sanity Testing is testing the whole system.It is a subset of regression Testing.Here we check the stability of the system.It is also know as Build Acceptance Testing.It is done at all levels of Testing and if the build passes sanity testing we accept it for further testing if it fails we reject the build.85 to 90% of Test cases will be executed in Sanity TestingSeverity will be assigned by the Tester.It is technical related.Priority is assigned by the PM , TL ,development team or by the client is is related to business perspective.Correct me if I am wrong.Mail me on qysa@yahoo.co.in.

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nishant jain

  • Jan 19th, 2007

whatever u written is about the user interface testing in which we test easy to operate,short navigation...


Sanity testing:-whether development realeased build is stable for complete testing to be applied or not is sanity testing ..it is also called as tester acceptance testing(TAT)  and build verification testing(BVT).

reject build without reason-sanity

Smoke Testing:-It is an exttra shakeup in sanity testing .in this dual test engineers try to get the reason  when that build is not working.

reject build with reason-smoke

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  • Oct 16th, 2007

To be in Simple:

Smoke testing is main functionality oriented.
Sanity testing is overall functionality oriented.
Hope u r clear now!!!

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