Handle Changes Before Ship Date

How would you deal with changes being made a week or so before the ship date?

Questions by vtpraveen

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 28th, 2009

I would determine the feasibility of meeting the ship date by evaluating the:

1) necessity of the change; [ why do we need it? ]

2) urgency of the change; [ can we defer it? ]

3) complexity of the change; [ how much time and effort will be required to test it? ]

4) risks involved with not including the change; [ what happens if we don't do it? ]

5) additional resources required to test the change [do I have the resources? ]

Then I would either rally the resources to test the change or I would deliver a (hopefully compelling) case against releasing on the target ship date based on my evaluations. 

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

I would determine the feasibility of meeting the ship date by evaluating the:

1) necessity of the change; [ why do we need it? ]

2) urgency of the change; [ can we defer it? ]

3) complexity of the change; [ how much time and effort will be required to test it? ]

4) risks involved with not including the change; [ what happens if we don't do it? ]

5) additional resources required to test the change [do I have the resources? ]

Then I would either rally the resources to test the change or I would deliver a (hopefully compelling) case against releasing on the target ship date based on my evaluations. 

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