Examples of Severity and priority of all combination

Could please anybody give me the good examples of:
High severity and Low priority
Low severity and High priority
Low severity and Low priority
High severity and High priority
Med severity and Med priority
.... in the terms of functionality.. and Please tell me who will give the priority.

Questions by siva.reddy.in   answers by siva.reddy.in

Showing Answers 1 - 75 of 102 Answers


  • Apr 26th, 2013

In web application, If the Logo or the company name is not displayed fine, then its high severity and low priority issue. If in the application home page, if a link is not working then its a high priority but a low severity defect.

Subham Singh

  • May 1st, 2013

Priority is how soon the issue needs to be resolved. Severity defines the impact of the issue. Going by the question, its a high priority issue as it impact the branding of the image rather than affecting any functionality in the websites.
Priority should be set after discussion with the business(which is usually done by the functional tester) Severity is set after discussing with the dev team


  • Jun 4th, 2013

Suppose a Logo text is not Proper that will be affect to company Work than that is a called High Severity and Low Priority.

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Sajan Sharma

  • Jul 22nd, 2013

High severity low priority: Logo of the company
High severity high priority : Submitt button of login page not working or page not displaying
Low severity high priority : eg: if in a bike your self start is not working but kick start is ... its a high priority that u kick start also can stop but severity is low because for now you have an option to work with
Low severity low priority : spelling mistakes in text of home screen

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  • Jan 13th, 2014

yes i think its high severity and low priority,

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  • Jan 31st, 2014

I had to direct this answer to you after I read your response. You reversed the priorities and seventies. No judgement intended!

Logo: Company logo is part of branding so anything related to branding becomes high priority - meaning very important. But the that does not break the system! The developer needs to replace the incorrect logo file with the correct one.

Link: The priority depends on how important the link is for the user. If a user has to click the link to agree on the terms and conditions then both priority and severity are high. If the terms and conditions are not accepted then user should be prohibited from proceeding any further. If the link itself is not functional then the tester cannot proceed any further or do anything else. Therefore, I would suggest one to specific when providing such examples in interview.


  • Jan 31st, 2014

A lot of responses include examples for priority severity combinations. I will not delve into that part.

Who will set priorities and seventies:
[For the purpose this response, I will use defect and bug interchangeably otherwise defect and bug are slightly different.]
QA who is testing the application, logs a bug report in a bug tracking tool. Depending on the predefined process, QA lead will call for a meeting with the entire QA team, BA and devilment team lead. during this meeting BA and development lead will set the priority and severity for each bug. Since BA has created the requirements spec (through interactions/meetings with various stakeholders), BA will set the priority depending on the business rules. Depending on how the application is affected, development lead will set severity.

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  • Jan 31st, 2014

Look like some of the combinations do not have examples..

Medium priority low severity bug:
Let suppose, the application under test (AUT) is a social security (yes this little detail will remove any trace of vagueness) registration portal and the [Print] button is not functional (not working) on the page that gives the SSN (lets assume SSN is instant). This bug will have medium priority and medium severity. Printing functionality is important because the user cannot remember the SSN and so a paper copy is essential. But this does not break further functionality or affect the DB, therefore severity is low.

Medium priority and medium severity bug
continuing with the SSN website example, let us suppose telephone # field doe not allow user to update the #. The govt. can contact the SSN holder by mailing the communication to their address and this bug arises only when user needs to update the telephone #. So priority is medium. Let suppose a developer has investigated the issue and found the bug in database (DB) then the severity is medium.

Medium priority and high severity bug
Continuing with SSN website..Lets say the SSN holder profile page crashes ONLY when a user attempts to update telephone # field. In this case, priority is medium and severity is high.

rest I will send later

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  • Feb 1st, 2014

High Severity Low Priority - Page after you click the login button crashes or page not found error. Its high severe, but low priority coz priority one would be login page working fine.
Low Severity High Priority - Cosmetic error or spelling mistake on login page. Its a small bug but has high priority as its in the main login page.

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  • Jun 9th, 2014

High Severity and High Priority- If the Login page does not open , it is high severity and high priority

Low Severity and High Priority- If the logo in the Login page is not displayed, it is not impacting the functionality but it is still a deviation from the requirements, so it is priority to fix the issue.

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  • Nov 2nd, 2014

Its Priority will be very high.
User may think that the site is duplicate or may b hacked by any body.

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  • Nov 10th, 2014

As for my knowledge Vinaya this is write answer if the logo or company name is wrong it is high priority and Low Severity as well.

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Gamanjit Singh

  • Nov 20th, 2014

High Priority & High Severity: An error which occurs on the basic functionality of the application and will not allow the user to use the system. (Eg. A site maintaining the student details, on saving record if it, doesn’t allow to save the record then this is high priority and high severity bug.)

High Priority & Low Severity: The spelling and grammar mistakes that happens on the cover page or heading or title of an application.

High Severity & Low Priority: An error which occurs on the functionality of the application and will not allow the user to use the system but on click of link which is rarely used by the end user.

Low Priority and Low Severity: Any spelling and grammer issues or minor UI issues which is within a paragraph or in the report (Not on cover page, heading, title).

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  • Dec 2nd, 2014

High Priority & High Severity: An error which occurs on the basic functionality of the application and will not allow the user to use the system. (Eg. A site maintaining the student details, on saving record if it, doesn’t allow to save the record then this is high priority and high severity bug.)

High Priority & Low Severity: The spelling mistakes that happens on the cover page or heading or title of an application.

High Severity & Low Priority: An error which occurs on the functionality of the application (for which there is no workaround) and will not allow the user to use the system but on click of link which is rarely used by the end user.

Low Priority and Low Severity: Any cosmetic or spelling issues which is within a paragraph or in the report (Not on cover page, heading, title).

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nitin singla

  • Feb 7th, 2015

not satisfactory

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  • Feb 10th, 2015

Priority:- Urgency of defect fixing
Severity:- Impact of defect
Types are:- High:- System crash, System not working, automatically closed then priority is high
Medium:- if URL issue, file name mismatched then priority medium
Low:- Color, Font, Spelling, grammar mistake then priority is low

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  • Mar 2nd, 2015

severity refers to functionality issue and priority is all about the time taken to fix the issue ,so if any company logo is missing or spelling mistake is made in the application it refers to low severity and high priority.

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Rashmi Taneja

  • Mar 31st, 2015

Its not High Severity, Low priority. Spelling mistake in Company logo name has great impact on company. So. priority is high to resolve this and severity is low. So, correct answer is Low severity and high priority.

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  • Apr 28th, 2015

I disagree with both of you. Wrong Company logo has a business impact. So the severity is high and developer has to fix it on priority. In simple words severity and priority is based on Business impact.

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Murali L

  • Jun 1st, 2015

Logo of the company is not affecting the customer business as per the definition of severity that we know.
How come it is a high severity? Please let me know.

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  • Jun 16th, 2015

If a link is not working fine, then you will call it as a low severity? shocked to hear this :)

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  • Jul 1st, 2015

LS & HP: When the user open the any online shopping application & after select the particular item and then move to the payment details after filling all the details when the user click the pay button it, is not able to navigate. i.e., the pay button will be disable mode...(it is not impacting the functionality of the application it is low severity, it is blocker bug then it should be fixed immediately were the user cannot continue, it is high priority.)

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  • Jul 28th, 2015

High Severity and High Priority Defects

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  • Aug 10th, 2015

1. Severity means HOW MUCH CRITICAL the bug is for the functionality of application.
2. Priority means the ORDER in which bug should be fix.
1. High Priority & High Severity - For an email service provider compose box is not open , mail is not going to recipient or Bcc .
2. High Priority & Low severity - For an email service provider spelling mistake in its Logo like hotmail is hatmail ,gmail is qmail
3.Low priority & High Severity - For an email service provider if u sign up and click Terms and Condition page and it is not displaying . No body want to read the 8 pages T&C of gmail its severity is high because functionality is not working but not any business impact on Gmail
4. Low Priority and low severity : Spelling mistakes like if today you open login page of Facebook and select language Punjabi fields are showing in English language "Re enter your password "

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Roheet Kamble

  • Aug 20th, 2015

High severity Low Priority:
In data search query while entering special char application gives server error.

Low Severity Low Priority:
UI related minor issues

High Severity High Priority:
While clicking on login button system gets crashed

Low Severity High Priority:
Company logo is wrong or spelling mistake in company name

Basically Severity is decided keeping application point of view
Priority is decided keeping user point of view

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  • Sep 8th, 2015

How can Logo of the company would be high on Severity and low on Priority...

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  • Sep 28th, 2015

No, it is a high priority low severity

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Rashid Malik

  • Oct 1st, 2015

Incorrect logo will be on High Priority and low severity.

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  • Dec 29th, 2015

Incorrect logo will be on High Priority and low severity.

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  • Jan 9th, 2016

In web application, if logo or company name is wrong so in this case priority is high and severity is low.

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  • Mar 18th, 2016

Incorrect Vinaya. If logo is not displayed then how can it be low priority and high severity? It is high priority and low severity. Since not much code change is required but it can effect the business in a big way.

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  • Apr 13th, 2016

Severity is the extent to which the defect can affect the system.
Here missing logo will definitely affect the business but will not results in termination of complete system. So priority is high and severity is low to fix.

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mani singh

  • Apr 15th, 2016

It is high priority and low severity because it is cosmetic severity which come in low severity

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  • Aug 22nd, 2016

Friends in the way of answering interview question... what is the difference between seniority and priority....?
Any one plz send me correct answer

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  • Sep 19th, 2016

Priority is the how much important it is for the Business to get the defect fixed. (Decided by the Business)

Severity is what is impact of the defect on the functionality of the system and what would be the effort put to get the code fix/testing for the defect. (Decided by the Development/testing team)

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  • Sep 26th, 2016

This happens when the bug causes major problems, but it only happens in very rare conditions or situations, for example, customers who use very old browsers cannot continue with their purchase of a product. Because the number of customers with very old browsers is very low, it is not a high priority to fix the issue. its called High severity and low priority

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  • Dec 27th, 2016

If a company logo of the end customer is incorrect in an application, how can you mark it as Low priority & high severity. Will that application be accepted at the customers end?

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Deepak kumar sahoo

  • Jan 17th, 2017

I think in the bike situation it is reverse. Here the severity should high as it is major functionality problem and the priority is low as it is manageable now to ride the bike by kick....

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  • Mar 3rd, 2017

Spell mistake in Company name will be - High severity and Low Priority. Because if instead of TATA, it is displayed as BATA is the severity you think will be low ? So it all depends on the business that the client is in to.

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  • Apr 21st, 2017

Hi Sajan Sharma in my openion High Severity Low Priority: Logo of the company is wrong, because Tester point of you logo is small mistake but customer point of you it is a blender mistake ex:ICICI if you mistake like ICI your side is small mistake but ICICI customer side it is Big mistake is it is Highpriority-Low Severity. Severity comes under Tester side and Priority comes under Customer side

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  • May 19th, 2017

Can someone tell functional example of high priority and low severity

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  • Jun 1st, 2017

If the Logo or the company name is not displayed then priority is high but severity is low, because logo does not effect critical on a system but its effect on company image. So this defect should resolve on a high priority basis.

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  • Sep 20th, 2017

High Priority and High Severity:
Major functionality failure like log in is not working, crashes in basic workflow of the software are the best example of High priority and High Severity
1) Application crashed while opening
2) Website home page failed to load.

High Priority and Low Severity:
1) Spelling mistake on menu names, clients names or any important name which is getting highlighted to the end user.
there is very common mistakes people were doing while giving the examples, they give example of logo and logo misspelled this is wrong example. it comes under high priority and high severity. Logo and company name is identity of the company or organisation then how it should be low severity?
Tester should be judgmental while assigning the Severity to the defect
Low Priority and high Severity:
1) Crashed in application if end user do some weird steps which are not usual or invalid steps.
this is all about Severity and Priority, let me know if anyone has questions on it.

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  • Nov 20th, 2017

Logo not being displayed properly is high priority and low severity.

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  • Dec 7th, 2017

It is medium severity High Priority

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  • Dec 16th, 2017

Actually, its just the opposite: In web application, If the Logo or the company name is not displayed fine, then its high priority (brand image is at stake) and low severity (less impact on user) issue. If in the application home page, if a link is not working and that link is rarely used then its a high severity but a low priority defect.

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ashish rawat

  • Jan 16th, 2018

Practical example is if a fan stop working in winter is a high severity and low priority because if the fan will not repaired soon it will not effect a lot.

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  • Mar 18th, 2018

Logo and company name is identity of the company or organisation then how it should be low severity? Its high priority and high severity

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  • Apr 4th, 2018

Logo issue would be high priority and low severity as its not affecting the functionality.

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Anjum khan

  • Apr 28th, 2024

Severity :- impact of the defect on customer business.
Priority:- importance of fixing that defect.
High severity and High priority:- login
functionality is not working properly .
Because if the user not login on application then he not perches product so its impact on customer business. And login functionality not working then all all functional is not working its impact of the application so priority is High .
High severity low priority: Logo of the company.
( Because I open the Amazon application but in home page logo like (OLX) . The user was confused its second hand product ) so user not perches product so Severity is HIGH
BUT its not impact on perches work flow so the Priority is low .
Low severity and High priority :- ex :- in Flipkart user was check before 2 years old order history.
But the all user was not check the old data so its severity is low but its impact on application so priority is High.
Low severity and Low priority:- in the application some spilling mistake .
Because its not impact on customer business so severity is low and its not impact on application , the features work properly so its priority is low .

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