On which basis, High, Medium and Low Level test cases are defined?

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On which basis, High, Medium and Low Level test cases are defined?

The Test cases are differentiated into High, Medium and Low based on their complexity. The complexity varies from project to project, organization and organization and it depends on either project level benchmark or organization level benchmark standard.

a. In general a Test Case is considered to be High, if it uses more data points, it interacts with four or more other test cases, if the test case use more than 10 check points, more than 5 verification points, and the number of steps in the test case are more than 35 steps.
b. A Test Case is considered to be Medium, if it uses medium of data points, it interacts with two to four other test cases, if the test case use between 5 to 10 check points, 3 to 5 verification points, and the number of steps in the test case between 25 to 35 steps.
c. A Test Case is considered to be Low, if it uses very less data points, no interaction or interacts with less than two other test cases, if the test case use less than 5check points, less than 3 verification points, and the number of steps in the test case below 25steps.

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