What is the difference between Severity and Priority?Which one is used by a tester?

Questions by sowjan_sk

Showing Answers 1 - 75 of 110 Answers


  • Oct 4th, 2005

severity: This is assigned by the tester.severity of a defect is set based on the issue's seriousness..it can be stated as mentioned

show stopper:4,Major defect:3,Minor defect:2,Cosmetic:1

setting values for these four categories can be again defined by the organisation based on their views.

showstopper: this have a higher severity as u cannot proceed further testing with the application testing.

Major: If there are any main defect based on the functionality .

Minor: If there is any error in the functionality of one object under one functionality

Cosmetic: any error based on the look and feel of the system,or improper location of the object(something based on the design of the web page)

Priority: this will be set by the team lead or the project lead.

based on the severity and the time constraint that the module has the priority will be set


  • Oct 5th, 2005

Seviority means how server is the functionality effected by the bug(or mismatch).Priority means how quickly the bug should be fixed.

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  • Oct 5th, 2005

severity is nothing but a seriousness of the deffect.priority means that imporntance of the deffect in customer side.

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  • Oct 6th, 2005

Severity means Technical(i.e if the application is shuts down,when we perform one function in the Application,the severity level is high)

Priority means Bussiness(If we are going to deliver a build,in that build defect may be low severity,but the Priority is high.)

Severity only decided by the tester.Priority will be decided by the PM.


  • Oct 6th, 2005

Severity means Technical(i.e if the application is shuts down,when we perform one function in the Application,the severity level is high)

Priority means Bussiness(If we are going to deliver a build,in that build defect may be low severity,but the Priority is high.)

Severity only decided by the tester.Priority will be decided by the PM.

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  • Oct 6th, 2005

Severity : is how bad this bug  impact on the system.

Priority : Is how important these bug is

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Severity describes the seriousness of the bug.

Due to a bug a total module may not be accessed.For example

bug1: if "Application"button  is clicked then it should open the application form page. If the button click does not work then it can be described as severity is "high".

bug2: If the click of "Application" button opens the application page but the details needs to be displayed in the current page are not displayed then it can be described as severity is "medium".

bug3: If the caption of the "Application" button is misspelled as "Aplication" then it can be described as severity is "low"

Priority describes what is the bug which needs to be fixed at the earliest. This is normally decided by the PM.

For example in the above case if the "application module" need not be submitted immediately then bug1 and bug3 may be given "high" priority where as bug2 may be given priority "low"

In the above case if the "application module" has to be given immediately then all the three bugs bug1,bug2,bug3 are given "high" priority.


  • Oct 10th, 2005

Severity refers to the effect the bug has on the functionality of the application. The more the functionality is effected the higher will be the severity. For example a crash will always have the highest severity and a spelling mistake will have a low severity. Priority refers to how soon the bug should be fixed. One more point to note is that Severity is entered by the QA and the Priority to fix it is decided by the PM in consultation with the client relationship manager. By and large a high severity bug would also have high priority. BUT there are also exceptions to the rule depending on the application and release schedule. A wrong logo used on the home page of a company's web site is definitely HIGH priority whereas since its not affecting the functionality, its Severity will be LOW. Conversely a crash during a roundabout scenario which is not likely to be encountered by the client will have HIGH severity since it has a major affect on the functionality whereas the PM may set the Priority as LOW since he might have more important bugs to fix which have higher visibility to the client.

Kiran Kumar

  • Oct 10th, 2005

Difference is

Severity defines the sevrity of bug, if any existing functionality is gone with  new feature then  that bug is given as high severity and also High Priority is given to that Bug to Fix.

Severity  is the one given by Tester and Priority is given by Lead.

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Illur Iqbal

  • Oct 11th, 2005

Severity and Priority are the terms related to Technical and  Marketing. Severity relates to the rating of the bug precise to say the severity of the bug where Priority too stands the same for the resolving the bug.( Thanks Illur Iqbal, New Delhi)

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  • Oct 12th, 2005

Severity: That is How seveir the Bug is!. Priority: That means How fast the develeper/programmer should give the priority for the Bug! - Any Commands .Plz revert back.

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  • Oct 15th, 2005

priority means order of importance to the defeft.

severity means depth of the defect


  • Oct 15th, 2005

seviority is how frequently a bug occurs in an application, where as priority is how critical the bug is for the application, that is how it affects the application

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  • Oct 18th, 2005


severity means seriouness of the bug.As a result of the bug if large part of the project get disturbed or a small part of it get disturbed.

priority means basing on the seriousness of the bug we r going to give priority of the bug as







  • Oct 19th, 2005

Both are similar. It's all depends on the client. Some clients use Seviarity and some use priority.

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  • Oct 19th, 2005

Severity: Bad impact of that bug,it  give by Testing Engineer.

priority: Impartance to fix that bug.based on severity we give the priority , it give  by the Team Lead

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  • Oct 30th, 2005

severity means impact of a defect on the application

priority means importance given to a bug to fix it

tester can use both but only the test leader can change it.

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bvr subbrao

  • Oct 30th, 2005


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  • Nov 2nd, 2005

Hai there,

severity means, how badly it is effecting ur application,

priority means, how badly u need to see the fucntionality for going further

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Aravind Babu

  • Nov 14th, 2005

severity:it is given by the tester.based on how important it is  to fix the bug.

priority: it is given by the test team leader. based on the time availability, and developer's availability.

( both are classified into three types: critical, major, minor)

 based on severity the three are defined as

critical: if there is problem in system performance

major: if there are memory leakage problems.

minor: if there are gramatical errors on the page

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  • Nov 17th, 2005


how much critical it is to slove -(by progarammer)


how qicuk it is to slove 

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  • Nov 21st, 2005

Priority:Priority is with respect to the delivery of Application.it's assigned by Devalopers or QA Leads.

Severity:severity is with respect to he Application.it's assigned by the


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  • Nov 23rd, 2005

Severity is the impact of the bug means how destructive is the bug.

Priority is the importance of the bug.

Both r to be done by a tester


  • Nov 27th, 2005

hi priorities would be decided by the high level team such as project managers and etc in perspective of the product but the severity's would be given by the tester.

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  • Jan 2nd, 2006

According to me Priority is given by tester to the bugs found. And severity is given by developer depending on the code changes and the areas which it can affect depending on the code changes to be done to fix a particular bug.

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senthil kumar

  • Feb 16th, 2006

severity: how much impact it will create on other applications?

priority: how much it will rectify the error?

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  • Mar 1st, 2006


SEVERITY: seriousness

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  • Mar 1st, 2006


SEVERITY: seriousness of

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  • Mar 1st, 2006


SEVERITY: Seriousness of defect interms of functionality.

PRIORITY: Importance of defect interms of customer.

Severity is decided by tester and priority is decided by project lead.

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mahendra singh

  • Mar 7th, 2006

Severity is how bad the bug is and how much it effects the application.

Priority is how important it is to fix the bug and how fast the developers has to fix that bud

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  • Jun 23rd, 2006

severity is technical issue

priority is business issue



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Severity:It is assigned by the tester based on how the  bug(defect) spotted could be affecting the system proposed.

Priority:The Project Manager assigns this(Priority)to the bug identified,how fast that bug has to be rectified in order for completion of minimal  testing reqd within time limit.

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Suresh Babu Garine

  • May 28th, 2007

Severity means How the defect has the impact on the product we are testing.
Levels like
Showstopper or Blocker--- Which stops the further testing process for the module have the showstopper
Major---Major functionality failure, but we can proceed testing in further in that module.
Medium and cosmetic.

Priority: When the developer has many defects to fix, he will prioritize the defects, based on the priority he will start fix the defects.

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  • May 29th, 2007

Severity is the impact of the bug on the functionality Where as priority shows the importance to fix the bug

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Severity means how bad the bug is and how it is going to affect your application
e.g systems crash,functionality missing,data loss etc.


Priority means how important the bug is and when it should be fixed
e.g.1.immediate fix,blocks further testing
      2.Must fix before release

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  • Jul 3rd, 2007

Priority is related to Importance and Sceduling
Severity is related to Impact

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  • Aug 2nd, 2007

Severity: Severity indicates 'how bad the bug is?'. Seriousness of the bug
Prority: It indicates how fast the bug is needed to fix.

Tester decides the severity of the bug but the priority decided by the PM and PA.

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  • Aug 17th, 2007

Severity of a bug is a technical term that denotes how serious the bug is in terms of its effect on the application being tested.
Severity of a bug determines the priority of a bug.....
the priority of a bug means if bugs are placed on a queue, which one should be solved first and one to be solved last based on the severity and the effect of the bug on the application.

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  • Sep 4th, 2007

Seviority is nothing but how much serious it is. Priority is nothing but how important it is. Suppose when a link is not working in the application. According to tester it becomes serious. Because one page is missing. When it is in the case of developer it is not that much of serious. Because it is going to developed according to customers requirement.

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  • Sep 4th, 2007

Severity is used by testers. (It means the fix/bug is having how much impact on the application)

Priority is used by Developers. (It means how much importance/priority we can give to solve the problem)

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  • Sep 13th, 2007


Both Severity and priority are used by testers.

Severity: How much impact of the defect on the system/application

Priority: How important to fix the bug


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  • Sep 21st, 2007

Severity - measures how much that issue causes deviation from the intended behaviour. you decide whether it crashes the system, missing major functionality, minor functionality, fit and finish issue and errors in messages displayed...

Priority - measures the time in which the issue can be fixed (immediately it should be fixed, it should be fixed before it is sent to next level or can be postponed and can be taken up in the next release)

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  • Oct 12th, 2007

Severity is how critical is the bug and how it is going to effect the functionality where as priority is how urgently we need to fix the bug.

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  • Nov 6th, 2007

Severity can be explained w.r.t technical point of view
Priority can be explained w.r.t Business point of view

Priority is nothing but Need of urgency, while Severity is how much is going (Bug) to affect the application.

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  • Jan 25th, 2008

severity mean how sever that bug is effecting ur application..  it can be divided into 4 types

prority mean how early bug can be solved in the application. it is given by test lead.

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  • May 22nd, 2008

Severity Levels can be defined as follow:
S1 - Urgent/Showstopper. Like system crash or error message forcing to close the window.
Tester's ability to operate the system either totally (System Down), or
almost totally, affected. A major area of the users system is affected by the incident and it is significant to business processes.
S2 - Medium/Workaround. Exist like when a problem is required in the specs but tester can go on with testing.
Incident affects an area of functionality but there is a work-around which negates impact to business process.
This is a problem that:
a) Affects a more isolated piece of functionality.
b) Occurs only at certain boundary conditions.
c) Has a workaround (where "don't do that" might be an acceptable answer to the user).
d) Occurs only at one or two customers. or is intermittent
S3 - Low. This is for minor problems, such as failures at extreme boundary conditions that are unlikely to occur in normal use, or minor errors in
layout/formatting. Problems do not impact use of the product in any substantive way. These are incidents that are cosmetic in nature and of no or very low impact to business processes.

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  • May 31st, 2008

Severity is to define level of damage.

Priority is to define as High, Mediun, Low.  If the bug will have to fix proirety high or medium or low by developer.

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  • Jun 2nd, 2008

Severity :

Severity is how badly the defect can affect the application or system.

Priority :

How fast the defect can be removed from the application or the system.

Both these can have same level as 1 to 4.


This Severity & Priority both can be used by the tester.But sometimes Tester assigns Severity and Test Lead assigns Priority.Actually it is varied with company to company.

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  • Feb 11th, 2009

Severity : It shows the impact to the business.
Priority : It shows the importance to fix the bug.

If the tester has good domain knowledge and application he himself can assign both severity and priority.

In case the tester is very new and lacks domain knowledge in that case he has to take help from his lead and sometimes the help form his business analyst to assign severity and priority.

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Severity is in terms of Apllication functionlaty where as priority is in terms of Customer Requirements.

If the severity is high we can't able tomove forward any more in the testing prespective if the priority is high we should leave that defects as defered we have to make it as fixed.

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Severity is in terms of Apllication functionlaty where as priority is in terms of Customer Requirements.

If the severity is high we can't able tomove forward any more in the testing prespective if the priority is high we should not leave that defects as defered we have to make it as fixed. Bcz its having theimporatance to fix that defects according to enduser requirements.

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Severity: Severity indicates the criticality of the failure. [Functional or procedure failure of the complete system with no work around, or defects that are urgent customer care driver]

Priority: The order in which the defect should be fixed.

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  • Jun 2nd, 2010

The severity is the result of a test and the severity can have different states:
Priority is how urgent a test needed to be done regarding the project.

The tester will allocate time for the priority tests.

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  • Jun 18th, 2010

Severity is all about the bug present in the System or application reported by the tester.

Priority is all about the bug which needs to be taken care for upcoming deliverables.

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Both are decided by tester.

Severity:- It shows the complexity of a bug/defect. How much critical the bug is, whether it is affecting the major functionality or the minor functionality.this all comes under severity

Priority:-  It shows that which  bug should be fix first, which needs to solve first. as clear by name itself, which bug should be given the priority.

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Severity measures the impact or destructiveness  of the bug on the software. it is set by the tester.

Priority is the one which says how soon the bug needs to be fixed which is set by the
TL/manger . Priority depends on the business requirement and the managers will have a good idea which bug needs to addressed first .

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Ravi Prakash Srivastava

  • Aug 1st, 2011

Priority: it's with respect to time
Severity: it's with respect to functionality.

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  • Aug 25th, 2011

severity is how much effects in tracking of all defects

priority means on which defect is affected at first

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  • May 10th, 2012

severity: severity is nothing but seriousness of the defect. It is further divided into 4 parts. i.e, fatal, major minor and suggestions.
priority: priority is nothing but importance of defect.

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  • Jun 18th, 2012

SEVERITY- is the seriousness of the problem or how adverse effect does it have on the functionality of the application.
Severity - is nothing but the impact of the defect on the application.

PRIORITY- is what priority is given to the defect for its fixation or urgency to solve a problem.

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  • Jun 18th, 2012

Severity is decided by the testers but the developer has to decide the priority to fix a problem, testers could not decide the priority.

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Sahil gupta

  • May 2nd, 2014

severity is impact of defect on the functionality
whereas priority is which bug is to be fixed first based on the need

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sandeep kumar

  • Jun 14th, 2014

Both are used by the tester.
Severity and priority are set depend upon the nature of defects.

Ex:- If we are working on any project and after completion every thing was fine but there was a spelling mistake in project name. That means we have to fix that first. it means it has a high priority but low severity.

Another ex:- If one patient is suffering from high fever but while coming to hospital he got accident due to that blood is coming from his head. What would be the doctor decision. First he will do treatment of his head later on fever.

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  • Aug 26th, 2014

Severity describes the impact of the bug, where as Priority describes the importance and order the bug should be fixed.
Tester will use Severity for reporting a bug.

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