What is mean by peer to peer testing?

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  • May 11th, 2006

Please tell me what is the difference between Peer to Peer and Buddy Testing?

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  • May 11th, 2006

Hi All,

I have personally never heard terms like Peer-to-peer or buddy testing. probably the writer is talking about peer-to-peer or buddy reviews. Both are actaully same and are actually "Review technoques", rather than "testing techniques".

Once whether  you code/module/testing is done it is given to some other member of your own team,it may be given someone in other team provided he has experience in that domain. Primary objective of this excercise is to "fish-out" as many as defects/errors/faults from a given peice of code/test case etc...

It has got its name to "Buddy review" to make it sounf less harsh on individuals.

Cheer :)

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praveen reddy Bayana

  • Apr 16th, 2007

Peer to peer and? Buddy testing is one another? same meaning ,

testing the test cases written by two testers ,by exchanging ,to conform that they

followed all the specifications according to the company rules

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In fact I have never heard the term peer testing. It may be Peer Review.
The review is done by the person/ tester who prepares the document? known as self review and? that document is also reviewed by his/her colleague. This is called Peer Review.

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As I understand it, peer-to-peer testing is performed by two persons working together to test the same thing--source code, integrated modules, or functionality.  Typically, one person performs the test steps while the other observes and records results.  Peer-to-peer testing is useful when testing very complex systems.  It promotes discussion between testers which can lead to a more creative approach to testing. 

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  • Jan 27th, 2014

Peer to Peer Testing..testing conducted between institutions. For eg: Money sent from one institution is received and vice versa. Checking the entire system works as expected.

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  • Jan 31st, 2014

To everyone who thinks the question was incorrectly framed:
There exists Peer-to-Peer (P-2-P) of testing devised out of necessity (like few types of testing) by medium to large product development companies. This does not pertain to performance or load testing. But, relates to the variation in intelligence and expertize among users in a given user group. I have performed this type of testing for a large client company. The concept was novel to me when I first conducted it but not anymore. Not many companies use it as not all of them are serious about their software product nor customer service. Yes but they all have a common goal of garnering large customer base and making a profit. This type of testing is performed at either/both modular or/and business-case levels. It depends on the approach and time allocated for testing by the company.

When is this testing performed?
- Before UAT and after achieving an optimum level of quality. The reason I use the word "optimum" is because each company has its own defined quality gates and no system can be 100% bug free."Type of industry" is also factored in while defining quality gates. Ex: aviation applications have to pass through certain quality certifications before they are rolled out. Contrarily, a time-sheet application product does not have adhere to any strict quality gates.

- P-2-P testing can also be used when there time to market is less and schedules are tight.
Classic example would be BBM tablet. One of the reasons why BBM failed is because time to market was very less (as they had already fallen behind) and also it was released with quite a few defects and of course it lagged behind on usability compared to other tablets. Window tablet was a success but response for Window 8 on PCs was very bad! Microsoft had to rush in and release a patch to provide an option of normal Windows desktop.

- When a new module or end-to-end- business case is being added to the existing suite.

- This testing is not performed when an existing product with established user-base undergoes small updates.

Testing group selection:
Selection of testers is key to achieve the full potential of P-2-P testing.
- Some level - beginner/intermediate/expert- of testing experience and domain knowledge is the bare minimum requirement. Testers from other modules and other project should be selected.

- A minimum of 2 testers are required to perform this type of testing.

- No tester who has worked on the module being selected can participate in P-2-P testing of the same module.

- End-users cannot participate.

- If end-to-end business cases are being tested, the selection criteria still holds good as more than 1 module will be tested by the testers.

Peer-to-peer testing method:
As I mentioned earlier, testers test either/both module or/and end-to-end business cases. Testers exchange the module they have been testing and perform exploratory testing on modules involved in P-2-P testing. Usability, business cases, important integrations between the modules (being tested) and other modules are tested.

If P-2-P testing is being performed on a system as a whole then end-to-end business cases will be tested (obviously!). The only difference is that no two testers follow the same approach to achieve the goal of the end-2-end business case. At a time, only 2 modules are tested at modular level; and only 1 end-2-end business case is tested at system level.

Goal of P-2P testing:
Before the application is pushed to UAT, IT team ensures that product under test has passed another level of quality and has high level of usability. Another goal is to ensure defects/bugs get fixed before UAT as we all that the cost to fix bugs becomes higher as application nears production phase.

what DOES NOT constitute P-2-P testing?
- The goal is not to check the source code like someone pointed out
- One tester testing and other recording only holds good if there is only 1 module or 1 business case. But, that is never the case!

i have never heard of buddy testing and it sounds very informal. My best guess is that buddy and P-2-P are essentially the same. If an interviewer asks me about it, I would honestly tell her/him that I have never heard or conducted such type of testing. Sometimes, interview involve questions to test the intelligence of a tester and someone may cook up a term that holds no meaning in QA world.

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  • Sep 19th, 2014

Two testers work together to find the defects

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