Describe Caching Issues

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  • Jan 19th, 2007

Cache is storage memory where the page that are frequently accesed will be stored here. During testing some pages may  get stored in cache.Testing done after bug fixing may results in same bug due to the page reloaded from cache. So clear the cache before testing.

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I have faced one issue in my project. We have 2 pages in which first page will add a record, 2nd page will edit the added record.
1. Edit a record using Edit page
2. Leave any of the mandatory field as blank and submit the page ( error will show)
3. Again invoke the add record page
By invoking above steps add page is shown with the values of above edited record, after raising this issue developer confirmed that this is due the CACHE, if cache is deleted then the same issue is not

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Cache promotes efficient use of computer resources and improves reponse times by creating a local copy of a page in RAM or elsewhere depending on the application.  For example, when you download a web page, the data is stored temporarily on your computer so that it doesn't have to be streamed from the web server the next time you call the page.

Whenever a tester continues to experience a problem with a web application that was supposed to disappear with a local fix on the computer, oftentimes the problem persists because the page is cached and will never become apparent until the web server downloads a new page to the browser.  Simply clearing cache (and disabling cache altogether) will recover from these types of issues. 

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