Write a test case for a paper weight

Questions by rajeshree_b

Showing Answers 1 - 13 of 13 Answers


  • Apr 17th, 2006


1. Check  the surface of the Obj is in flat.

2. Check the obj has minimum weight.



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@ To Check the size of the paper weight

@ to check the weight of the paper weight

@ to check the company of the paper weight

@ to check the paper weight meterial i.e fiber or glass

@ to check the paper weight model



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  • Apr 19th, 2006


     Can you explain why we need to check the company of the paper weight.

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  • Apr 21st, 2006


color of the paperweight.

shape of the paperweight(round,rectangle,triangle,square)

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  • Apr 25th, 2006

Hi, i think first we have to ask for requirement specification. Then based on the requirement specification, we will write test cases.

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  • Apr 25th, 2006

test the object is standing on surface or not.test the weight of the objectany one of the surface is flat or not to stand it for any surfaces.check the asthe tics.

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  • Apr 26th, 2006

Hi, I feel all the above tests could be included.

  1. Height
  2. Weight
  3. Texture( granular, transparent, opaque)
  4. Colour
  5. capacity( How many papers it cud manage)
  6. Shape
  7. Grip( is it easy to hold and place or not)
  8. breakable/unbreakable
  9. company

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  • Apr 26th, 2006

I personally think, the capcity should come first right ?? How much paper stack it can support ?? and then the remaining parameters

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  • Apr 27th, 2006

Here three  aspects need to consider:

with the  Requirements    : weight, color, etc.

without the Requirements : based on General usage

General Functinality         : wether its able to use to meet the soul purpose

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  • May 19th, 2006

We can check whether the paper is blank or it is used. (written something on it)

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praveen reddy Bayana

  • Apr 18th, 2007

First we think of smoke test, next sanity, next intigration, uat

How it looks,
How it works,
Wheather it can be intigrated with another,
Wheather it is useful
How this is used

  1. Height
  2. Weight
  3. Texture( granular, transparent, opaque)
  4. Colour
  5. capacity( How many papers it cud manage)
  6. Shape
  7. Grip (is it easy to hold and place or not)
  8. Breakable/Unbreakable
  9. Company

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