Why does software have bugs?

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  • Sep 7th, 2005

2.programming errors 
3.time pressures. 
4.changing requirements 
5.software complexity 

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  • Feb 24th, 2006

a.changing requirements  
b.software complexity 
c.time pressures. 
e.Programming errors

g.Properly not understand the requirements


Srinivasulu.Chittoor /Sr.Test.Eng/

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  • Sep 19th, 2006

Miscommunication or No communication- understand the application 's requirement.

Software complexity:The complexity of current software applications can be difficult to comprehend for anyone with out experience in modernday software development.

Programming errors:Programmers can make mistakes.

changing requirements-A redesign , rescheduling of engineers effects on other projects.If there are many minor changes . The complexity of keeping track of changes may result in errors.

Time pressure:Scheduling of software projects is difficult at best , often requiring a lot of guess work.When deadlines loom and the cruch comes mistakes will be Made.

Poorly documented Code:Its  tough to maintain and modify code that is badly written or poorly documented , resulted in added bugs.

SOftware development Tools:Various tools often introduced there own bugs or are poorly documented , resulting in added bugs.

sudhakar kolla.

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Lack of understanding of customer requirements correctly
Lack of time
Lack of domain knowledge
Lack of programming skills
Lack of proper testing
Lack of documentation
Lack of communication between programmers and testers
Due to sudden changes in the requirements (Agile condition in the product)

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