Executed all test cases and no bugs found ?

You Executed all test cases and no bugs found who you measure that you have done good quality of testing. This question ask during interview. Is this means code is bug free or you are missing some scenarios of testing. What you will test and figure out you have done enough testing.

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • May 13th, 2015

If such a product has been developed which has no bugs then that should have to be an exceptional case. As a tester we can do certain checks during testing phase as follows to make sure that no bugs have been missed.
1. Have a peer review of the test cases and incorporate any of the missing scenarios
2. Walk through of test scenarios with business to make sure all the functionality have been covered
3. Preparation of valid/correct test data
4. Make sure ever positive and negative scenarios have been covered for all the functionalities even the low priority ones
5. If any field validation then do boundary value analysis check
6. Finally giving walk through of the outputs to business and get signoff from them

These will ensure that we have done enough testing.


  • Sep 18th, 2015

One more point can be added to the above points ...
To check that we are checking with the correct build version.

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