QA Testing : What are the key elements for creating test plan?

Editorial / Best Answer

Answered by: BISWAJIT PANI

  • Jun 15th, 2006

1) Objectives

2) scope

3) Approach

4) Testing Methodology

5) Assumption

6) Risk

7) Contigency paln

8) Delivarable

9) Defect Reporting

10) Efforts and Estimation

11) Entry and Exit Criteria

12) Roles and Responsibilities

13) Schedules

14)Testing environment



Biswajit pani ( 09986183456)

Showing Answers 1 - 42 of 42 Answers


  • Jun 15th, 2005

The key elements for a test plan are: 
1.Entrance Criteria:The requirement documents based on which the paln is developed.The BRD,FRD 
2.Test environment 
3.Test data 


  • Jun 28th, 2005

what do you mean by service pack? 
when do you go for automation? 
what is compatibility testing 
what is quite/dead phase in testing?


  • Jul 13th, 2005

QA & QC 
What is the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control???

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rohit kaushik

  • Jul 14th, 2005

quality assurance is a process oriented activity while quality control is a product oriented activity.

  • Jul 28th, 2005

Answers of the Questions Posted by Sumita on 2005-06-28 05:02:25 
Question 1: What do you mean by service pack?  
Answer: Service packs are the means by which product updates are distributed. Service packs may  
contain updates for system reliability, program compatibility, security, and more. 
Question 2: When do you go for automation? 
Answer: When we need to perform Regression Tesing, Data Driven Test at that time we go for automation.  
Question 3: What is compatibility testing? 
Answer: Compatibility Testing ensures that a product works in any specified operating environment  
- any combination of platform, database, application server, browser and other software.  
Compatibility Testing is all about simulating the user environment during the testing phase. 
Question 4: What is quite/dead phase in testing? 
Answer: No Answer

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Velayutham Ramesh

  • Aug 19th, 2005

Key elements are 
1.Test Strategy 
2.Test Objectives & Scopes 
3.Test Requirements 
4.Expected Result 
5.Risk assesment & Priority 
6.Test Cases 
7.Staffing & Responsibilities 
8.Test Deliverables 
9. Missalaneous Test Plan Components 
10.Test Environment (Software& Hardware) 


  • Sep 9th, 2005

Regarding QA & QC 
QA is a static process where as QC is a dynamic process

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  • Jan 17th, 2006

What are the key elements for creating test plan

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  • Jan 30th, 2006

Resource, Scope & Schedule


  • Mar 9th, 2006

Hi I was just looking into your comments on Test plan contents.......Don't u think that Entrance Criteria,Exit criteria,Features to b tested ,Features not to b tested are llike central Nervous system of Test plan....Just think over and pass on your comments....Regards...ramesh.


  • Jun 15th, 2006

1) Objectives

2) scope

3) Approach

4) Testing Methodology

5) Assumption

6) Risk

7) Contigency paln

8) Delivarable

9) Defect Reporting

10) Efforts and Estimation

11) Entry and Exit Criteria

12) Roles and Responsibilities

13) Schedules

14)Testing environment



Biswajit pani ( 09986183456)

Jyoti Srivastava

  • Jan 22nd, 2007

  • Quality Assurance: A set of activities designed to ensure that the development and/or maintenance process is adequate to ensure a system will meet its objectives.
  • QA activities ensure that the process is defined and appropriate. Methodology and standards development are examples of QA activities. A QA review would focus on the process elements of a project - e.g., are requirements being defined at the proper level of detail.



  • Quality Control: A set of activities designed to evaluate a developed work product.
  • QC activities focus on finding defects in specific deliverables - e.g., are the defined requirements the right requirements


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    • Jun 1st, 2007

    Key Elements for Test Plan:

    Customer Requirement.
    Hardware and Software specification
    System Required Specification
    Project Report and Design

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    • Jul 30th, 2007

    A test plan shall have the following structure:
    Test plan identifier;
    b) Introduction;
    c) Test items;
    d) Features to be tested;
    e) Features not to be tested;
    f) Approach;
    g) Item pass/fail criteria;
    h) Suspension criteria and resumption requirements;
    i) Test deliverables;
    j) Testing tasks;
    k) Environmental needs;
    l) Responsibilities;   m) Staffing and training needs; n) Schedule; Risks and contingencies;  p) Approvals

    "Test Plan" is a strategic document which describes how to perform testing on an application in an efficient, effective, and optimized way.
    Test Lead will prepare the Test Plan and it will this...

       b.Referrence documents
    2.Coverage Of Testing
       a.Features to be tested
       b.Features not to be tested
    3.Test Strategy
       a.Levels of testing
       b.Types of testing
       c.Test design techniques
       d.Configuration management
       e.Test matrics
        f.Test terminology
       g.Automation plan
       h.List of automated tools
    4.Base Cryteria
       a.Acceptance cryteria
       b.Suspension cryteria
    5.Test Deliverables
    6.Test Environment
    7.Resource Planning
    9.Staffing & Training
    10.Risks & Contengencies
    12.Approval Information

    QA is more or less Process oriented in which we monitor process of SDLC. Mmost of the verification part is done in QA.
    QC is product oriented in which we perform most of our validation stuffs.

    In a nutshell output of QA is input for QC :)


    • Sep 11th, 2008

    Test plan is the base for testing. It has all the elements related to testing.
    when to test,
    what to test and
    how to test.

    another main thing in test plan is scheduling the testing to different person including scheduling of time.

    Following are treated as the Key Elements for creating a good and complete test Plan.
    Rest at times it depends on the project/product type and client's specific requirements

    * Test plan identifier
    * Introduction
    * Test items
    * Features to be tested
    * Features not to be tested
    * Approach
    * Item pass/fail criteria
    * Suspension criteria and resumption requirements
    * Test deliverables
    * Testing tasks
    * Environmental needs
    * Responsibilities
    * Staffing and training needs
    * Schedule
    * Risks and contingencies
    * Mitigation Plans
    * Approvals

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    • Jul 2nd, 2009

    Key Elements are:

    Test Item name
    Test Case
    Test pass and Fail Criteria
    Suspenssion and Assumption Criteria
    Feature to be tested and Not to be Tested
    H/W Delay
    Delay due to trained Staff
    other Delay

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    • Jun 1st, 2010

    Test plan is that, the test lead will select how many testers are required for testing for given application. How to divide the team and test cases. How much time it takes to wind up testing process.

    The Test Plan have these major contants:
    1 Schedule
    2 Resource need
    3 Deadline
    4 Budget
    5 Feature to be tested with reason
    6 feature not to be tested with reason
    5 Test stratergy
    6 Scope of testing
    7 Tools to be used

    Take Care
    Have A Nice Day

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    Test plan is the project specific document which changes with the release of product it is created by QA team lead

    Main components of test plan are:
    Resourses required for testing
    Start date 
    Features to be tested 
    Features not to be tested
    Types of testing required for the application


    • Oct 20th, 2010

    1. The name of project

    2. Estimated and actual start and end time for testing

    3. Estimated effort

    4. Different types of testing to be executed

    5. Different types of test cases for each type of testing

    6. Test environments

    7. Test tools used

    8. Defect report

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    Test plan is a document that describes objective,scope &approach of testing.

    The key elements of preparing  test plan  are :
    Test Approach
                 Levels and stages of testing.
                 Testing methods.
                 Testing Techniques.
                 Testing types.
    Environmental needs
                 Software Req
                 Hardware Req
                 Operating system
                 Network & other           
    Risk Analysis
                Technical and personal
               Test Preparation
               Test Execution
               Test Evaluation
               Test Preparation            Start | End
               Test Execution                        |
               Test Evaluation                       |
              Requirements (BRS,SRS&FRS)
              Testing Document
             Roles and Responsibilities.
             Doc preparation.
             Test management
             Defect tracking
    Test deliverables.
    Test Execution process
                      Entry and exit criteria
             Test summary reports
             Defect summary reports       

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    • May 13th, 2011

    Project Scope
    what to test
    what not to test
    QA Objective
    time and resource allocation
    test approach
    type of testing
    project repository
    entrance and exit criteria
    defect tracking
    defect severity levels
    test risks

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    • Sep 21st, 2011

    quality assurance for preventing defects and qc for detecting defects.............
    qa is done by developer and qc done by test engineer

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    Sridhar Dommati

    • Nov 7th, 2011

    the question is "what are the key elements for creating Test Plan"?

    but all the people telling the contents of a Test Plan

    according to my view...
    "Test plan is a master document..which contains some information and that describes complete end to end testing process for a particular release."

    first of all we have to understand the requirements, browser and environment selections for compatibility testing , understand the application...which type of testings have to perform(security, performance, sanity, uat testing, etc...)..then select the types of testing, estimate the resources and time schedules to perform the task with in the given time by client, should have fore sight to find out the risks and mitigation's during the project and etc...

    we have to estimate all these factors... and step towards to selecting key elements to create a Test Plan

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