What is Non-functionality Testing?

What is Non-functionality Testing in software?

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  • Dec 28th, 2014

Non Functionality testing refers to various other aspects of the product ex: usability, accessibility,language related tests.

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  • Jan 9th, 2015

function testing is is the type of testing done against the business requirements of application.

The non Functional Testing is the type of testing done against the non functional requirements.

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In NFT the quality characteristics like efficiency, usability, reliability, portability, scalability, security, volume, etc. of the component or system are tested.

Example: How many people can login at once into an application?

Types of Non Functional Testing:
1. Functionality testing
2. Reliability testing
3. Usability testing
4. Efficiency testing
5. Maintainability testing
6. Portability testing
7. Baseline testing
8. Compliance testing
9. Documentation testing
10. Endurance testing
11. Load testing
12. Performance testing
13. Compatibility testing
14. Security testing
15. Scalability testing
16. Volume testing
17. Stress testing
18. Recovery testing
19. Internationalization testing and
20. Localization testing

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