Waterfall Model Phases
Outline the main phases found in the waterfall model and provide evidence that supports this statement in the context of the waterfall when used in practice.
What is localisation testing?
What is localisation testing? was asked in manual testing interview
Test case review
How do you review testcase (Types of review)? and whom to send for review ?
When System Testing is requited ?
After doing functional, Integration testing, why there is a need for system testing? Explain the situation when you can skip System Testing
What is meant by Matrices ?
What is use of Matrices in testing?What is Template for this?
Traceability Matrix Sample Template
Who is responsible for preparing the traceability matrix
What sort of Severity you will give for this defect?
There is a result table grid, which displays the results up on the search. In which 4 columns(A,B,C,D) have sorting feature.While execution you found that another column(E) is also having the sorting feature. After clicked the column header, the page hanged up, what severity you will give for this defect?
Software Testing Interview Questions