Waterfall Model Phases

Outline the main phases found in the waterfall model and provide evidence that supports this statement in the context of the waterfall when used in practice.

Questions by bertrand473727

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Oct 2nd, 2010

The waterfall model has steps in sequence (below), where the customer
requirements are progressively refined, to the point that coding can take place.
This type of model is also called a linear or sequential model. Each
work-product or activity is completed before moving on to the next,

Testing in the waterfall model is "iterative" and carried out when the code
has been fully developed. Once done, a decision can be made in whether the
product can be released. In effect it is more of a quality check.

Requirements Spec
Functional Spec
Technical Spec
Program Spec

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  • Feb 27th, 2011

Phases are like this:

1. Requirements.
2. Design
3. Implementation
4. Verification
5. Maintainance

All these phases go in a sequence.

In Extented Waterfall model we had all these phases come in iteration.

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kawaljit bedi

  • Feb 3rd, 2012

1. Sotware Requirement Specification
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Coding
5. Implementation
6. Maintanance

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