What is difference between the Build version id and software version id

Questions by hari5818

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Jul-2008 | Jul 21st, 2008

Build version Id is the id given to the application when it is released with in the company during different life cycles and Software verion Id is the id given to the appliction when it is released outside the company for the customer

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Jun 12th, 2008

Bulid Version is the version no assigned internally to the build after each changes is made to the same .
Software version is the version no given to the Build/Application once all the testing has been done and the build is reday to be released

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  • Jul 21st, 2008

Build version Id is the id given to the application when it is released with in the company during different life cycles and Software verion Id is the id given to the appliction when it is released outside the company for the customer


  • Sep 10th, 2008

Build version id :

What happens in the Real scenario , if u r working on Production issues or Enhancement project then after some issues/ bugs gets fixed then these fixes has to be club together and applied on the Application.

For Example :

Build version id can be written as :

Release 31 or Release 32 just like that .

Software version id:

U all know Microsoft  .Net technology  software , what happen to the release .

in the Begening .Net 1.1 came

Then .Net 2.0

Then .Net 3.0 comes , these release are kown as Software version id.


Nitin K Verma

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Software Version id : best example is QTP 9.0, 9.2, 9.5 and current one 10 version and another example is Microsoft 98, 2000, NT, XP, Vista
Whenever some changes are added to the existing functionality of application a new pattern will be generated and the new application is termed as new version.
(Compare the window OS or QTP with their version and changes added to them in release after release)

Build Version id
, generally in development life cycle you wont develop all the modules with in a month and release the project, instead development will be done module after module, for the sake the management will decide when will be the build dates, some companies take 1 month to 3 months to release first build and it depends on project duration, so Module 1 will be developed and release it to testing team to test the application, and on second release module 2 will developed after and integrate it with Module 1(along fixing the issues found in release one), that how the all the modules will be developed and release to test team till all the modules are developed.

so first release is termed as Build 1, and second release will be termed as Build 2 and so on.

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honey garg

  • Jul 25th, 2011

Build is a Executable file which is handed over to the
tester to test the functionality of the developed part of
the project.

Release is that which we finally hand it over to the client
of the project after the development and testing phases are

Version is the number of releases made according to the
addition of the requirement of the client.

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Vishnu Kethireddy

  • Jul 26th, 2011

Software version is the version of the market released software

Where as the build version or build id is the version used for testing and further test cycles, before the code is released

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