If there are a lot of bugs to be fixed, which one would you resolve first

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  • Jun 6th, 2005


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  • Jun 8th, 2005

From a Developer's point 
Fixing the bugs which are risk free (less regressive issues) 
From Q/A's point 
Testing the Highest priortiy/severity ones

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Geeta C

  • Jul 5th, 2005

Prioritize the bugs based on risks involved. And then decide which issue/bugs to resolve first.

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  • Jul 14th, 2005

these issues may finalized in bug review meetins... 
Genarally high proiority bugs should be fixed first.

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  • Jul 15th, 2005

From QA point..the tester would never fix a bug, only assigns it to the developer to fix it and later on varifies if it has been fixed or not.


  • Jul 17th, 2005

If there r a lot of bug to be fixed, We will determine the priority and severity. So those bugs, which has highest value of both priority and severity, would be solved first depending on the business scenario


  • Jul 21st, 2005

if there r a lot of bugs to b fixed, i think first concideration must b severity then priority.

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Meet Kamal

  • Jul 24th, 2005

Main consideration should be priority only. Sometimes, the bug may have high severity but low priority. Priority is decided on the basis of customer requirements, schedule, sverity and other factors. 
As an example, an application may be crashing when a rare combination of characters is entered by the user but the probability of entering that combination of characters could be very low, the bug would be given relatively less priority and hence, fixed after fixing higher priprity bugs.


  • Jul 25th, 2005

whenever there is a bug been identified the developer has solve the problem and clear the bug . 
and the testers work is to test the project by regression test and to find whether the bug is cleared and project is working

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Ravi Kottur

  • Aug 16th, 2005

When there are lots of bugs to be fixed..we have to decide on the Priority of the Bug.We need to provide safer solutions for the people on the other side of the fence(Users).Then those bugs which are currently still with Us(the Service/Product Company) and reported by Us can be tackled. 
Hence Priority holds more prominance when the Users are at Risk. 
Severe Bugs still with Us can definitely be handled a little later

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  • Sep 12th, 2005

based on the priority of  the bugs like server errors--high,low medium.

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  • Sep 29th, 2005

As a tester.. we donot fix bugs.. we only find bugs

As a developer... Bugs are to be fixed basing on the Priority and severity of bug.Sometimes even the severity is low..but if attaches to major functionality, then priority will be more to fix that bug.. we have to fix the low severity bug first..

Parag Shah

  • Jan 18th, 2006

Bugs which are show stoppers should be fixed first irrespective of the priority set by developer or Q.A

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  • Apr 26th, 2006

Hi All, When lot of Bugs have been fixed, ofcourse basing on the Priority & seviearity we would resolve it. But with the knowledge what i have take those kind of bugs which are independent and do not affect any other areas of the application like UI changes, Grammatical corrections so on and so forth. Keep a side all those bugs(may be from a single module) which has interdependencies and test them . This would be easier as testing bugs of one module would certainly save time. If i am wrong correct me.Gopi Krishna

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  • Apr 27th, 2006

I would recomend of this answer

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  • Nov 27th, 2006


Scenario : We have a lot number of bugs to be tested.

1) Definitely, when raising the bug, the tester would have assigned the severity(like 'critical' 'major' 'minor' 'enhancement' etc) of the bug too. So when it comes back to the tester for testing, the severity of the bug would be shown to him/her.

As I understand, 'Priority' of a bug is set by the developer (ie when to fix the bug).

So when we have the list of bugs to be tested, prioritize the bugs according to the 'Severity'... For eg, bugs with severity 'Critical' should be tested first.Moreover, for saving time.. one can test bugs which are interdependent to it.

Correct me, if I am wrong...



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  • Jan 24th, 2007

The bugs would have to be prioratised. The bug which has the the highest severity and has to be delivered with the next release would have to be fixed first.

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Robin Jaiswal

  • Apr 3rd, 2007

From the developer point: A bug with does not meet the requirement would be fixed first. I mean the requirement bug.

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  • Apr 18th, 2007

The bug which make my apllication to be failuare is to be first resoloved

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  • Apr 30th, 2007

The bug which has high priority has to be fixed first. Even though the severity low for a bug which has high priority should be fixed first.
because priority defines as how fast the bug has to be fixed and severity defines as what is the impact of the bug on that application. Severity relates to the technical point of view and priority relates business point of view.

Deepak Ganola

  • May 4th, 2007

First all we will see the severity of the bugs - Classify the bugs into critical, major and minor. Then  we need to fix the critical bugs so that our testing process will keep going and in the mean time we will resolve out the major bugs and than minor bugs. This will save our time and will be convenient and is cost effective. 

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  • May 6th, 2007

Yes ! thats true ! as a tester we only need to find bugs and re-test when the status of the raised bug is "Ready for testing"

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  • May 6th, 2007

Before reporting any bug I would appreciate it if testers first check to see
if the bug exists with on version number and type of bug when raised in their
description (called a kind of bug attributes). As well know testers can
prioritise the bug severity anyway.

Developers fix the bugs module wise with ease, as the code for a particular
module in under one procedure, unless until it involves a global procedure
calls, but then testers have to test the application (regression, issues with
status “Ready for testing”) based on the type of the issue (Functionality,
Cosmetic, doco errors…etc).


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kuldeep kumar

  • May 17th, 2007

according to the priority of the bug like high, medium and low

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    Fixing bugs is a critical task. Especially, when the number of bugs are more and pressure increases on testers when the project nears the deadline. The best possible way what i think is to categorize the bugs based on priority and severity. Both these terms are interrelated. severity can be a critical, major or minor..

    when the severity of a defect is such that it crashes the application/system, then such a defect is considered as critical, and so first priority should be given..

     when the severity of a bug  causes the system/application to produce unintended results, it can be declared as major(2 priority)

     Typographical errors can be considered as minor errors. Though these errors are overlooked  many a times a check  limit should be kept...

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  • Jun 7th, 2007

If there are lot of bugs to be fixed then first we should set a list of major fuctions and bugs found in them and start solving and testing functions one by one. first testing is adhoc testing and then regresion testing.

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  • Jul 27th, 2007

If there are lots of bugs to be fixed then we will test those bugs first which are affecting the system as a whole. In other words, the bugs which are affecting the functionality of the system and if these bugs are not fixed then we can't move forward to test other applications. These bugs come under the category of high severity. And those bugs which are coming in the Sanity level testing and are affecting the functionality of the whole application should be fixed earlier.

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  • Jul 27th, 2007

Developers' resolve bugs
Testers only find bugs.

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  • Jul 30th, 2007

As a tester set the severity and proirity of bugs, Communicate with developer and lead to identify which bugs need to be fixed first based on the business requirement document. Otherwise it is always defined in project managment planning documents which bugs needs to be fixed on priority. 

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  • Aug 29th, 2007

It's depends on domain. As a Black box test engineer we won't be able to fix the bug but if you have a coding knowledge than you will be able to debug the bug.

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  • Sep 19th, 2007

As a QA tester, they will not fix bug.
Job of QA tester is to find bugs, find them as early as possible, to make sure that they get fixed.
This is job of devloper to fix the bug by taking into account severity and priority of bug.

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  • Oct 12th, 2007

After having a consensus meeting with client as per priority basis issues will be fixed.

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  • Nov 6th, 2007

Exactly as a Black Box Tester our job is to find the bug not to fix them. Even one is White Box Tester its job would be to work out with the developer.
Fixing of the Bug is Developers job not ours it will be decided on the Severity and priority of the bug .

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  • Jan 16th, 2008

High priority issues involves more risk.so its resolved based on the priority levels.also, it concern to tester priority/severity while resolving bugs.

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  • Jul 12th, 2008

This is not my job, but I would suggest that showstoppers be fixed first, in other words, if the bug stops all testing, it should be a priority.    For example, if the program will not even start, it is time to go catch a movie.

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  • Jul 30th, 2008

First bugs should be resolve which is harmful to system. so priority is given to that bugs which cursh the system.

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It is depend on the priority of the issue. It is normally decide by QA lead/manager/analyst or Project Manager.

For example,

If there is an issue on particular page (or module or function), and there are so much traffic on that page OR there are so many hit on that page on daily/weekly basis OR numbers of users coming to that page frequently to access that page, in that case it is consider as a high priority issue.

If there are less hits on particular page or user are no more visit to that page, in that case its low priority.

So now the conclude answer of this question should like, issue should get fix in order to the priority it has.
More info...priority is decide based the end users usage of that page or function on site.

Hope it will help to understand

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  • Jul 23rd, 2009

That  bug should be fixed first, which will not allow us to proceed further, means the bug which will stop our application running should be informed to the developer first..

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The first bugs to be fixed are those that the client (or our company's business sector) wants to be fixed first.  There are several ways to determine this depending on criticality, resources, and time:

1) First fix the defects that have already been identified as highest priority.

2) Hold a meeting with all expert and concerned stakeholders and systematically evaluate and prioritize all defects and then fix those that have highest priority first.

3) If I the defects are not prioritized, and if I have no access to stakeholders (quite rare), I would use my best judgment and select the issues that have the greatest negative impact on customer and company welfare.   

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