Describe the last project scenario and generate test cases for it?

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  • Jul 19th, 2005

Describe the last project scenario and generate test cases for it

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  • Aug 31st, 2005

Describe your lastest project functionality, usage and write a test case based on that functionality.

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  • Sep 12th, 2005

based on the last project functionality we write test cases for it.

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M Karunakaran

  • May 7th, 2007

The following steps are as follows

1.To identify the Specific Requirement Document

2.To identify the Specific Features.

3.For each features write the Test Scenarios.


  • Jul 12th, 2007

I guess the answer for this question will differ from each one depending on the project you have done earlier. This is one other question which expects you to bring out your experience in generating test cases.

If you ask me.. i wud say few words about my project and they way i decide on generating test cases like cause-effect graphs. For people who are wondering what cause-effect graphs are...

Cause-Effect Graphing

A tool used to derive test cases from specifications. A graph that relates causes (or input conditions) to effects is generated. The information in the graph is converted into a decision table where the columns are the cause-effect combinations. Unique rows represent test cases.

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