How will you write test cases for a code currently under development?

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  • Jun 8th, 2005

This is very common for testing of new features. A BRD (Business Requirement Document) will be used as the primary document to write the test cases. In some complex feature implementation we may need to refer the Technical Design Document from Developers too.


  • Jun 8th, 2005

It will depend on the Requirements Specifications and depends on the SRS (Software Requirements Specifications) and Test Plans.

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  • Jun 9th, 2005

the test case smay be written by the clear understand of the documents like srs,brs,frs prepared after the analysis of the raw info got from the customerand then they can prepare the test cases by seeing those documeants

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Subash Chandar

  • Jun 10th, 2005

The test case is prepared by using the use cases and the srs docs

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Kumar Amit

  • Jul 21st, 2005

The test case can be prepared by using SRS, Design Documnet, Use Cases and referring Activity diagrams of the functionality

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  • Jul 25th, 2005


Siddik Shaik

  • Sep 1st, 2005

If the code is under development stage or after the development stage or what ever may be the stage, the test cases should be prepared before coding start. 
So, test case written must be depends on the requirements given (FDD, TDD or SRS), based on the functionality of the application. 

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  • Sep 12th, 2005

it totally depend on functional design document, technical design document or SRS.

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  • Sep 25th, 2005

You can start writing the test cases following the SRS (Software Requirements Specification). The developers will start writing the code seeing the SRS and testers will start writing their test cases using the SRS.

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  • Oct 13th, 2005

when the requirements are given to a developer,a tester can participate in that Requirement understanding round and after a brief dicussion with team members,a tester can write testcases for the application under implementation stage using Exploratory Testing.


  • Oct 14th, 2005

The First Thing I will go through the Requirments if it is not understandable then we will conduct Requirment Analysis within our Team, then if need we will get the knowledge on the product from the developers.

after that i will Prepare Requirement Traceblity Matrix, Then Preparing Test Cases .

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  • Feb 8th, 2007

The best way to write test cases for a code currently under development could be:
1. From the SRS document
2. From the IADs (Information Architect Document)
3. From the use cases
4. From the build manifest
5. From the Base line document (from which developer prepare HLD, LLD or start coding the reqiurement )

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  • Apr 8th, 2007

please tell me what is Information Architect Document

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  • Jun 21st, 2007

Test cases are basically based on SRS, BRS, and FRS but if any project is under development then there is need to know how many functions are completed and write test acording to them first.

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  • Jul 13th, 2007

The test cases are prepared based upon the SRS document not upon the coding.
This takes place simultaneously

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Mohan Murali Velpuri

  • Jul 26th, 2007

Let me explain clearly:

Development Team and Testing Team receive the same BRS and SRS Documents.  Developers use these documents and go-ahead with there part of the job(Analysis, Design, Coding, Unit Testing and Integration Testing). 

On the other hand Testers Use these documents and go-ahead with there part of the job(Writing UseCases, Writing TestCases and Preparing Traceability Matrix.) 

Once the Developers release the Build, Testers use their TestCases to Test the Application Build.  

So there is no relation as such on the TestCases Preparation due to coding as these jobs are carried separately by two different Teams.

All the best.

Jerome Rozario

  • Oct 19th, 2007

For a code currently under development, We can write test case using SRS or FRS.

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amit raj

  • Nov 21st, 2007

Hi srija,
It is the part of static testing.In which we dont have the developed code.we follow the BRS,SRS Or FRS.
actually we all follow a process in the testing.LIK---

BUG PREVENTION------------>BUG DETECTION---------------->BUG RESOLUTION(developer)

In Bug prevention we FOLLOW the analyse part or can developer help,can Take BRS ,srs,frs.
we assume all aspects those may arrises.after that we  detect the  bug in the application.and check this to our bug prevention report.
we can take the help of traceblity metrix also.

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  • Jan 16th, 2008

Once its given BDD,FRS,FDD,SRS from customers and after analysis of the document testcases prepared based on mentioned documents.

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We can start writting test cases with the help of srs. generally testing team is involve from requirment analysis. So it's not new practice to write test cases when project is under development. unit testing and integreted testing is done when project is under developmen. It is  a step of testing going to white box testing toward's black box testing

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Test cases are written according to the SRS so I can write the test cases for the under development code according to the SRS because code also developed to meant the features according to the SRS.

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no need to write the test cases for the code which is under development. Infact anybody can write the test case for the application which is developed.

my suggestion for you is Learn to ask the question first, the question itself should be clear enough to answer.your question seems to be too immature.

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  • Jul 12th, 2008

Ideally, the test case should be somewhat independent of the actual code, it should be useful for testing ANY program the performs the function, or has a simular function.  Performance limits would certainly change, you would have to fill them in later, or change the test case as the program changes. 

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  • Jul 12th, 2008

Writing cases from specifications is good in theory, and I am sure that is appropriate in the developement of mission critical system.  But since I have worked on normal consumber software,  I have never seen a specification that is at all useful.  They are unreadable, have no details, have contradictions, and the bugs that you report on them are ignored.

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When a development starts writing a code they have some requirement document with them and based on that they develop FDD and HLD.
Similarly,testers have same requirement document and based on it they prepare there test cases.
And through test cases they test the funtionality.

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Writing test cases for code currently under development is a natural process in the software and testing development life cycles.  Both activities are typically performed simultaneious and in parallel.

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  • Dec 19th, 2011

HLD - High Level Design & LLD - Low Level Design

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