QTP Library File
What is Library File? How to use library files in QTP?
Using Register Key in QTP
How to use the "Registery Key" in QTP
Analyse QTP Results
How will you analyse results in QTP?
Automating AS 400 Application
I am new to QTP. Can someone guide me, how can I automate AS 400 Application through QTP. Any reference doc or links. Thanks
Advantages of QTP over selenium
What are the Advantages of using QTP over selenium?
How to test .pdf files in QTP 9.0 version?
Is there any add-in for this particular testing
QTP Batch Test
How can you run batch test in QTP
Which command in QTP Script used to capture real time values?
Which command in QTP Script used to capture real time values?If QTP does not support third party web based application which is to be tested for GUI interface,what will be our next approach?What are configuration management Techniques?Difference between sanity testing and smoke testing? when will we use these testing?Comparison between weights and checkpoints.what is batch Testing?What is the difference...
Parameterize Database
How to parameterize the database from separate data table?
What is FIT and WATIR ?How FIT and WATIR are more helpful in QTP?
Do you want to continue running the test?"
Now how to add library file & which file.
DO u have any example of function how to write in QTP">How to add my own function in QTP.when I run my function in QTP then its throw an error "Error in library file. Your function library may not be valid.Do you want to continue running the test?"Now how to add library file & which file. DO u have any example of function how to write in QTP
QTP Interview Questions