Call vbscript Function in QTP
How to call a function created by using vbscript in QTP
Testing Framework
What testing framework QTP supports
Add Objects Information
How to add objects information to object repository in QTP 9.2
GetVisibleText Vs GetRoProperty
Difference between GetVisibleText and GetRoProperty? Why should we use GetRoProperty instead of GetVisibleText?
XML Checkpoint
Give a live example use of XML checkpoint. How do we check an XML file?
whereas for IE
Browser("Browser").Navigate (Datatable.Value("url","Global"))
so when i run the IE script on netscape it fails.
">How to run QTP scripts recorded in Internet Explorer on a Netscape or FireFox browser?nestcape tries to read the code this wayWindow("Netscape Browser").WinObject("NS_AE_WindowClass").Type "http;//servername:8080/trial/"whereas for IEBrowser("Browser").Navigate (Datatable.Value("url","Global"))so when i run the IE script on netscape it fails.
Regular Expression
How to create regular Expression for the date for example (MM/DD/YYYY)(12/04/2008)?
Multiple Object Repo
If there are three shared obj repo(t1,t2,t3) and all three contain obj "A" with same property ... The script is using all the shared obj repo. Then how do we ask the script to select "A" from third obj repo(t3)
How do you automate citrix applications using Citrix ?
I am using qtp in my Local machine and try to automate an application which is present in Citrix environment(remote access). Is it possible? If yes, please advice me how can i do this?
QTP and CITRIX terminal server Access question
I need to automate tests on a inhouse built application. This application can be accesed through CITRIX terminal server. How can I connect to this server via QTP and access the application.Is there any special add-in required or functions I need to call? Any kind of help is appreciated. If you could point me to any material that might help will also be very helpfulThanks in advance
Adding an element in XML File
How to add an element in the XML file using QTP and save existing XML file? Does QTP supports this feature? Explain with an example.
Reusuable components in QTP
How to create reusuable components in QTP?
QTP Interview Questions