Object Repository
How to add an object in QTP 9.5 object repository?
Capturing Webtable Content
How to capture the run time value of the web table?
Read Outlook Inbox
How to read email notifications using QTP?
Checkpoints in functions
Can I use checkpoints in functions?Thanks.
Keyword Driven Testing
What exactly do you mean by keyword driven testing?
Descriptive Program to Execute DOS Commands
How to run dir, cls time msconfig, scandisk etc commands by using QTP Descriptive Program
Automation framework
Hi All,Can anybody explain "What are the Test Automation frameworks and classify them?"
Drop down menu in QTP
Hi, I am new to QTP also to Automation testing. Our company requires us to validate if we can use QTP for testing and its urgent. I tried some use cases but there is one use case I am not able to do. I tried recording, coding but find hard luck. Below is my scenarioLogin to any browseryou have a menu, clicking on it will open some more menus. These are hidden menus written in java script and I am...
Add More Records
How to add more records in QTP to check the database of the website?
QTP Testing Scenario
Can anyone please solve this Scenario? "1)Enter Used ID 2)Enter Password 3)A screen will be opened, in that screen there are n number of check boxes, we have to click on 1st check box and then we have to log out. The same process should be followed and should click on 2 check box when we login second time, like this the process should go. How can we automate this scenario?
QTP with Terminal Emulator Add In
Will QTP with Terminal Emulator Add In support the application IBM (IBMPOS)?How the TE Addin will be applied in QTP? Is there any other tool that support IBM applications?
QTP Interview Questions