Create Text Checkpoint without using Active Screen
How to create Text Checkpoint without using Active Screen?
Check Points Stored
Where do checkpoints get stored?
Business and Scripted Component
What are business component and scripted component? What are the advantages of using business components in QTP instead of scripted components?
How to start learning QTP
Do we need to know VBscript to start working on QTP? what are the steps need to be followed to become an expert in QTP? Please guide me...
Dynamic button in a Web Table
When doing a search, the search result page list some rows which contain a column of button. How to click on (dynamic) button in a web table?
Retrieve data from Java Table in QTP
How to retrieve data from Java Table in QTP which is in a Java InternalFrame
QTP Functions
How we can return a value from a function in qtp
QTP Interview Questions