How to delete 10 first mails by using qtp
How to delete 10 first mails by using qtpi need to delete 10 first mails from mail box by using qtp
The problem is every time the window name changes. I know regular expression can be used but can anybody help me telling how?">
I have something like Window("Microsoft Excel - Pivot Table 76").Window("Query Refresh").Click x,yThe problem is every time the window name changes. I know regular expression can be used but can anybody help me telling how?
What is the procedure to test flash applications using QTP?
Can anyone please answer
QTP Database Connectivity Locks
Whick locks are used for database connectivity in QTP?
Selective Recording Mode
Explain What is Selective Recording Mode
Excel sheet data to data table in QTP
how can i bring an excel sheet data onto the data table in QTP and then how can i put the various columns in the table to test that whether the entries are the ones i gave in the excel sheet. Basically, it would involve scripting but i just need to know that how to go about it.
Count Links in Webpage
How to count Links in Webpage by using QTP?
Database verification
what is Database verification in QTP?
Test Server Log Files
How to test the server log files using QTP?
Identify WebArea on a Webpage
How to identify WebArea on a webpage if the page has a title containing special characters?
Shared Object Repository
what if storage limit of shared object repository exceeds its limit(2 MB).how this kind of situation can be handled?
QTP Interview Questions