QTP menu item count/check short cuts
Hi,I am working on QTP automation of a application which is Java based. I would like to count the submenu options available for one of the menu item (say for ex 'File' ) also I would like to verify he whether it has shot cuts (i.e ALT+f for File). How can I proceed on this?Note : GetItemProperty, GetItemProperty(Itempath, Label) doesnot work on this.thanks,-MPmurthymp@rediffmail.com
Relative Path
If the QTP tests saved on one drive i.e X drive (giving the absolute path), can those tests be run on y drive? Or need to be saved as a relative path to run on other drives
Dim variable1 (10) - declare the dynamic array using dim
variable1 (1) = "kumar" - store the value in array
variable1 (2) = "chandru" - store the value in array
This is the way i tried, but it show the error message like "Name redefined", Is there any possible options available for this, plz send me.">Hi i am new to VB Scripting, I have a problem to declare an array in QTP. I am using a variable to declare an array which is come in runtime.Example:Dim variable1 - declare the variable using dimvariable1 = "senthil" - assign the value which is come in run timeDim variable1 (10) - declare the dynamic array using dimvariable1 (1) = "kumar" - store the value in arrayvariable1 (2) = "chandru" - store the value in array This is the way i tried, but it show the error message like "Name redefined", Is there any possible options available for this, plz send me.
The statement contains one or more invalid function arguments error
Hi I'm using qtp 9.2 while executing the script I'm getting the following error message "the statement contains one or more invalid function arguments"Please help it out
Excel to QTP inbuilt data table
How to fetch columns data from excel to QTP inbuilt data table, if there is a columns contains Image type of data?
How to connect database from QTP tool?
How to connect database from QTP tool. How do we use various paths using QTP.
Support to Wireless Devices
Does QTP support to the Wireless device applications like Pocket PC and MC 70. please do tell me.
QTP Default Charecter Encoding
How to change QTP default charecter encoding to ANSI?
Parametrization using file
How do we input values from file
QTP installation Error
Hey Guys,I have Windows XP professional system in which i have installed QTP after disabling Antivirus & Firewalls.But the QTP tool is not getting started when i try to open it.Please tell me what exactly i can do to start my tool.I have finished installing QTP, i am not getting any error messege but when i am opening QTP, just add-ins page opens and then it is closing ,why?please reply me asap
QTP code If condition question
Purpose of the script is:1. Take value from the datatable2. Take row value from the application. Values are displayed in a webtable3. Compare both the values 4. Come out of the For loop when they match or else continue with the loop till the last row Code is:If Browser("A").Page("B").WebTable("C").Exist Then TotalRows = Browser("A").Page("B").WebTable("C").RowCountEnd If Datatable_value = datatable("Datatable_value...
How do we count links on the web page displayed?
supposed there are some 2o links in web page how do we give count of themif the links ar there in an weblist object.can we use getrop(itemcount)or how we vil put page check point,pls do me needful.Thankssudha
How to write QTP results to a text file or an Excel file ?
I need to write the QTP results to a text file or an Excel file as i don't want to see the results in QTP results window.Please Can anybody provide the exact code for itUrgent...............................Thanks in advanceUday
QTP Interview Questions