QTP Questions
1)How to change a custom object to standard object in QTP ?2)How to create a excel sheet & insert a value in it by using script?3)What is the difference between call to existing action & call to copy action?4)what is the use of smart identification?5)How can we pass the values through step generator?6)How to navigate a browser & closing the browser after 5 sec through script?7)What is the difference...
QTP output parameters in the actions
Hi,Plz explain how i can create the output parameters in the actions.plz explain with the flight reservation window application.then i tried with the input parameter with call action methodlike using from action call properties..but i didn't get correct result..plz help me to do these parameters.Thx and regardsPunitha
QTP Installation?
Hey Guys,I have Windows XP professional system in which i have installed QTP after disabling Antivirus & Firewalls.But the QTP tool is not getting started when i try to open it.Please tell me what exactly i can do to start my tool.
Database connectivity using QTP
How to give database connectivity using Q.T.P
How to fetch data from database table and export to an excel sheet ?
I have tried this way to export data from a database table to store in an excel sheet, but it is only storing the last record of the received records. Can anyone help me.Set objDB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")objDB.ConnectionString = "DSN=mysql_qtp"objDB.OpenIf objDB.state=1 Then msgbox("Connection Is Establsihed") else msgbox("Connection is not opened") exittestEnd Ifsql_query = "select zipcode,...
Fire Event Metod
What is the use of fireevent method? Where do we use this in real time? Explain with an example?
How to run a set of QTP scripts one after the other with out user intervention.
May be by creating a batch file or so.
How to record the Scripts on Fire fox2.0 browser?
How to record the QTP 9.2 scripts on FireFox 2.0 ?Performed all these steps: Automation >> Record and run settings>>Select Record and run test on any open browser.Ope the following address when the record session begins drop down enter the url:http://www.google.comIn the second drop down :Select Firefox. Still Cant record any thing on fire fox. Can any one tell if I m missing any step ?
Whats is the difference in testing .NET and Java applications using QTP?
Could any one of you plz explain it soon as it is very urgent.Thanks in advance
Quality Central
How to call QTP from Quality Central
How to record the QTP run session using vb script?
Hi all,I am using vb script to run qtp scripts. code isSet qtApp= CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")qtApp.LaunchqtApp.Visible = FalseqtApp.Open "Path of the script"qtApp.test.runThis vbscript will run the selected qtp script. While qtp runs the selected script, is there any option to record the run session through vb script?? (something like qtApp.test.record)?i know that, we can directly save the...
QTP Interview Questions