I have made a connection to Access database from QTP using ADODB connection,,,, and also declared a recordset for it....There are 2 rows in the database and i want to fetch the values from all the rows...But the problem is that when the first record is fetched , QTP runs the whole script and again starts for the first line of the QTP code for the second iteration....and in this process it again opens the same connection and fetches the same first row again..... Can anyone tell me how to fetch the values from next of database in the next iteration....I shall be thankful if anyone can provide me the code for the same ...tx.

Questions by shibu1

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers


  • Sep 29th, 2006


Let me know if it is wrong

1.Write 3 Fucntions which have different data base connection open and recordser declaration.


For Ms access


For Oracle


For Sql Server

2.Declare 1 variable in the beginning and set value=1 while in the first iteration

After the end the each iteration update the value by1(i.e 2)

3.Write a one more function called Validate


It should verify the current value if Step 2 varibale

If value of the varible=2

Call func2()

If value of the varible=3

Call func3()

My Mail id : ramyoganathan@aim.com

Warm Regards


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  • May 29th, 2007

After creating a SQL Server 2005 database, I have problem connecting to the database using OBDC from QTP. Please can you post your script for SQL server database connection from QTP.


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Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection" )

str="DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=employee;user id=root ; password=stc"

Conn.open str

Set Rs = CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset" )

Set Rs1 = CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset" )

sql = "select * from emp;"

sql1="select count(*) from emp;"

Rs.open sql,conn

Rs1.open sql1,conn


msgbox "no. of rows "&c

For  i= 0 to cint(c)-1

MsgBox Rs(0)&" | "&Rs(1)




Set Rs1 = Nothing


Set Rs = Nothing


Set Conn = Nothing



tell me is it helpful for u or not

Raghu, stcthirdeye@yahoo.co.in

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