What are the Features & Benefits of Quick Test Pro(QTP)..?

Operates stand-alone, or integrated into Mercury Business Process Testing and Mercury Quality Center.
Introduces next-generation “zero-configuration” Keyword Driven testing technology in QuickTest Professional 8.0 — allowing for fast test creation, easier maintenance, and more powerful data-driving capability
Identifies objects with Unique Smart Object Recognition, even if they change from build to build, enabling reliable unattended script execution
Collapses test documentation and test creation to a single step with Auto-documentation technology
Enables thorough validation of applications through a full complement of checkpoints


Editorial / Best Answer

Answered by: praveena

  • Sep 21st, 2005

qtp is mainly used for functionality testing.qtp is user friendly both technical and non technical users can easily access.qtp has two views

keyword view and expert view

in keyword view when u record a test it genarates the script in tree format.it is very easy to understand.if u want to view  the vbScript use the expert view.

qtp has active screen using that u can enhance the script with out navigating to the application.like u can insert checkpoints and synchonization points.

qtp has automated documentation.when u start recording it genarates the autodocumentation in plain english.

using qtp we can parametarize objects,checkpoints,datadriventables.this will give more flexibility.

Showing Answers 1 - 44 of 44 Answers


  • May 27th, 2005

1. Key word driven testing 
2. Suitable for both client server and web based application 
3. Vb script as the scriot language 
4. Better error handling mechanism 
5. Excellent data driven testing features


  • Jun 2nd, 2005

1.how to handle the exceptions using recovery secnario manager in Qtp? 
2.what is the use of Text output value in Qtp? 

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Krishna Neeraja

  • Jul 21st, 2005

QTp has got so many benefits compared to Winrunner.It enables evn an inexperienced tester to work with as it is GUI based.Major advantages it has are active screen which allows user to insert cheskpoints when the application is closed,testers job is made simple with different features it has,debug viewer where in we can see wht values variables carry when the test is running,and many features made simple

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  • Aug 1st, 2005

What are the enhancements in QTP from Win Runner


  • Aug 1st, 2005

Hi Guies, 
Could u pls answers the following quires: 
1. What is the difference between check point and output value. 
2. IF we use batch testing.the result shown for last action only.in that how can i get result for every action. 

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pavan kumar mandava

  • Aug 18th, 2005

hi ram, 
check point means inserting code to verify something existing in the application or not. 
output value means getting some information from the application and plasing in the output datatable(internal excel sheet). 
you can see the output data by opening the results file after the script execution. 
suppose if u want to check some text "QTP" existing in your application or not use checkpoint. 
suppose if you want get some text "QTP" from your application and to place that in some file use output values. 
hope u got some idea. if you need any help ping me pavantech@yahoo.com 


  • Aug 27th, 2005

Quick Test pro supports wide range of envinronments like SAP, seibal, Java, .net applications , Peoplesoft etc..It is faster than winrunner. It generates VB script..Functinality tool for web based and client server applications. It is very user friendly than winrunner..

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  • Sep 21st, 2005

qtp is mainly used for functionality testing.qtp is user friendly both technical and non technical users can easily access.qtp has two views

keyword view and expert view

in keyword view when u record a test it genarates the script in tree format.it is very easy to understand.if u want to view  the vbScript use the expert view.

qtp has active screen using that u can enhance the script with out navigating to the application.like u can insert checkpoints and synchonization points.

qtp has automated documentation.when u start recording it genarates the autodocumentation in plain english.

using qtp we can parametarize objects,checkpoints,datadriventables.this will give more flexibility.


  • Oct 1st, 2005

How is object spy used in QTP?


  • Oct 6th, 2005

QuickTest Pro offers a ?Tree View? which is an icon-based view of the script.  This is very easy to get used to and non-technical people adapt to it quicker and feel more comfortable working with it.  For the technical user, they can always switch over to the ?Expert View? in QuickTest and look directly at code, and program away using VBScript.

Will be getting the initial focus on development of all new features and supported technologies.
Ease of use.
Simple interface.
Presents the test case as a business workflow to the tester (simpler to understand).
Numerous features.
Uses a real programming language (Microsoft?s VBScript) with numerous resources available.
QuickTest Pro is significantly easier for a non-technical person to adapt to and create working test cases, compared to WinRunner.
Data table integration better and easier to use than WinRunner.
Test Run Iterations/Data driving a test is easier and better implement with QuickTe

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  • Jan 13th, 2006

Spy is used to view the list of properties and valuesavailable for that particular object

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  • Mar 8th, 2006

object is used for to check the properties of the object

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  • Mar 8th, 2006

object spy is used for the to check the properties of the object

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  • Mar 10th, 2006


qtp is mainly used for functionality testing.qtp is user friendly both technical and non technical users can easily access.qtp has two views

keyword view and expert view

in keyword view when u record a test it genarates the script in tree format.it is very easy to understand.if u want to view  the vbScript use the expert view.

qtp has active screen using that u can enhance the script with out navigating to the application.like u can insert checkpoints and synchonization points.

qtp has automated documentation.when u start recording it genarates the autodocumentation in plain english.

using qtp we can parametarize objects,checkpoints,datadriventables.this will give more flexibility.

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Chandra Gautam

  • Apr 3rd, 2006


Object Spy feature enables you to identify the object\s and it's properties.                    

Like if you want to know what kind of perticular object is, and what it's properties are?? what you have to do ,,simply left click on pointing finger and then left click on the object that you want to know about. It will show you object's properties.

O kay bye                                                                                                         Chandra


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Vishal Asthana

  • Apr 5th, 2006

Through Recovey Scenario Manager:

4 steps are there:


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Vishal Asthana

  • Apr 5th, 2006

Through Recovey Scenario Manager:

4 steps are there:


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Vishal Asthana

  • Apr 5th, 2006

By Recovery Scenario Manager. It has four options:

1. Popup

2. Object

3. Test run

4. apllication crash

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  • Apr 7th, 2006

What are the Features & Benefits of Quick Test Pro...

what is keyword driven in quick test pro..

how does it work

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  • Apr 8th, 2006

  The main difference between Winrunner and QTP is we can test dynamic images and web pages using winrunner and also  qtp captures screen shots.

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  • May 16th, 2006

 qtp (quick test proffesional)features&benifits

  • it is based on vb script & is used in .net applications.
  • it supports c++ featureslike functions public,private
  • supports html pages,xml pages
  • useful for web based applications

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Rishi Raj

  • Jun 17th, 2006

Hey Veena, Nice Answer...

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ujwal kandimalla

  • Aug 7th, 2006

see QTP is a key word driven tool,generally users who are not familiar with scripting can use keyword in QTP screen  and can use tool for much better usage in english language.

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  • Sep 19th, 2006


The exception handiling can be done by using Recovery scenario manager in qtp

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  • Sep 28th, 2006

when ur application crashes due to a pop up window or due to syntax errors recovery  scenario manager is used.Trigger the event and select the trigger event type that will recover the operation(pop up or test run error).In case of a pop up window for eg:-if u enter the password as 'mer'a pop up window says the password should be  4 characters long.Use the pointing hand to capture the the Login window and proceed to the recovery step and 'select keyboard or mouse operation'(click button with label 3rd radio button),us the pointing hand select the 'ok' button and in the post recovery step 'select proceed to next step' and save. u run ur application after this procedure withou a crash.

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  • Nov 27th, 2006

Hai it displays the all objects

Thanks & regards


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Advanced keyword driven testing


recovery scenarios for various methods

Active screen( snapshop engine)

esilly parameter any were in the test for different options

Data table

All environments supported



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  • Jan 18th, 2007

Hello Pavan

is Ravi here, sorry for contacting you directly

actually I need a information to make a script with QTP to test two application at the same time.

in fact I have to test old data base which migrate to new data base.

- I have to compare the several field individualy, I suppose with the help of Checkpoint

Please help me if you can.

Thank you & take care

Best Regards


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  • Mar 26th, 2007

Please reply
1. How we can use goto in QTP? I want to execute next statement of for loop if any condition is not satisfying inside for loop.(Jump to next)

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  • Oct 4th, 2007

It is Fast, Reliable, Resuseable, Programable, Repeatable

1) Edge over other tools:compatibility with majority of environments
2) Simple Interface.
3) Easy to enhance and modify
4) Datatable integration
5) TestExecution
6) Function definition generarator

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shobhit kaul

  • Oct 5th, 2007

Yes the use of acive screen in QTP makes it very comfortable to use. As you can use it offline, means if the server is down then too you can work on that application whose active screen you have taken before.

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QTP is one of the automation tool.
Using thes eassy to test the application.
It is a licenced version.
It provide the service.
It has so many options.
And it support visual Basic programs. It is eassy to write and understand the tester point of view.

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QTP has one of the best option Object spy.
Using these we can find the actual name of the execution file. If we don't have this option we cannot write script manually.
That means when we write script manually we have the object repository information, using Object spy can give the information in to Object repository.

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